Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Clean it Up!

Today's verse: "Who can say, 'I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin?"  Proverbs 18:20

Sunday was a beautiful day to take a walk on the beach.  The sun was shining, the temperature just right, and hardly a breeze to be found.  I loved the sound of the crashing waves, and the beauty of each grand wave.  The company of my mom and sister was an added delight as well.  A wonderful sabbath for sure!

As we were traipsing our way back from our trek down the beach, I noticed a few areas where the wind and surf had brought in a scattering of trash. I'm sure that people had a little something to do with the garbage, but it saddened me to see the little pieces of junk here and there interrupting the beauty of God's creation. 

Sin is like that.  Like the trash, even a little can mar the beauty of God's children's lives...sometimes even permanently. Piled up over time it can really stink. I pray that my kids (and myself included), are never attracted to sin, and let it take root in their lives.  I pray that they will always be sensitive to the things that may be littering their lives, and keeping them from the holy and clean life God wants them to live.  Sin mars our hearts.

Fortunately, we have a God who is in the clean-up business, and He forgives us and wipes us clean. He wants to make something beautiful out of our lives, and we need to be diligent and not letting the trash mess up His masterpiece. Let's clean it up!

Lord, you are God, and you are void of anything unclean.  You are Holy, and you are beautifully perfect.  Yet, your children are not.  We all sin and fall short of your glory.  Lord, please gently show us the ways in which we sin. and keep us from living unrighteous lives.  I ask that for my children as well, and pray that they never hold onto the sin in their lives, and be fooled by the enemy into believing that sin is a fun thing.  Prod their spirits, dear Jesus, to keep themselves clean and live their lives in holiness.  Lord, my children are your creation and you have made them beautifully.  Help them to keep their hearts pure, living always and forever for you.

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