This week Kyle brought home an award that he got in school LAST week. Funny boy. He forgot all about it in his excitement of leaving for Men's Retreat I guess. It was once called the "citizen of the week" award, but now is the "growth mindset recognition". With each award the teacher writes a note describing the honoree. Here's what Kyle's award says:
Your presence in our classroom is like a steady rock. I can count on you to always do the right thing. Thank you for being a young man of great integrity. Congratulations!!Yes, I was proud. To read that our son as seen as a "young man of great integrity" blessed this momma's heart. I could ask for nothing better.
Way to go, Kyle! I pray that you will always be a man of great integrity.
Lord, thank you for my dear son, Kyle. I know that you have fearfully and wonderfully created him, and you have great plans for his life. I see you living and active in his life, and pray that it continues from now until the end of his days. May Kyle choose to follow you with all that is within him. Integrity is living undivided and in complete and firm adherence to you. Your Word says that "whoever walks in integrity walks securely". (Proverbs 10:9) May Kyle always keep his conduct in the world honorable. (1Peter 2:12) May the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart be pleasing in your sight, precious Savior. (Psalm 19:14)

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