Kyle workin' hard!
Some days it feels like the kids have schoolwork coming out their ears. With the end-of-the-year just around the corner it seems the projects, presentations, and reports are piling up. I love that both kids are learning important things, and are receiving the tools to do such amazing projects, but sometimes it seems a bit much...and I'm not even the one doing the work.
Last week, Kyle had to make a memorial for someone who died in World War II, and then yesterday he came home to share that he forgot that he had to make another memorial to represent the 6 million that died at the hand of the Nazis. He remembered this project when one by one the other students in his class began to give presentations and show their memorials. The teacher began at the beginning of the alphabet, and slowly the list got closer and closer to Kyle. I'm thinking he was pretty lucky that his last name is toward the end of the alphabet. The end of class came, and he was able to breathe a little easier...there were still 2 classmates ahead of him who needed to give their presentation.
With all the projects, comes hard work and the need for good time management. It's easy to procrastinate, put-off, and even forget all that needs to be done. School takes diligence, labor, and great effort.
I'm praying my kids stick-to-it with all their heart, and work hard at their learning!
Lord, thank you for this day and all that it will hold. Thank you for the gift of education and the wonderful teachers that work with my kids on a daily basis to impart to them the wisdom they need for life. I pray Alyssa and Kyle find pleasure in what they are learning. Putting off until tomorrow, what they can do today, is often a struggle that wages war in their minds. Please Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to make wise choices about what needs to be done in this day. Help them to thrive on working through the things that seem hard, never giving up because it feels overwhelming. Place within themselves a desire to press on, work hard, and put in their best effort on each assignment and project. Lord, I want them to enjoy learning, but at the same time, find a sense of great accomplishment for the times where they have to work hard. Lord, you are the one to help them through each day, each assignment, and each time they are tempted to put off what they need to do. May your Spirit lead them in making wise choices today. You are a great God, and I give you all the thanks and praise.

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