Alyssa is off in North Idaho today participating in a Bible Quiz meet. She's memorized some scriptures (I hope), and practiced the questions over and over, all the while planting the seeds of Scripture in her heart. I’m praying not only for her safety and fun this weekend, but that the things she is learning, and the message she hears about Christ today, will be impressed on her heart forever.
The message I hope all of the kids at the quiz meet hear and believe is this…God loves you. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, if you just believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be “good enough”. You just have to rest in His goodness and love. Oh, thank goodness.
So many people live in the fear that they have not lived their lives for God, and that their pasts are so dirty and ugly, that God could not possibly ever love and forgive them. They fear that God would never want them as His child, which is so far from the truth. If my own children were to do something that doesn’t please me, I may be sad, disappointed, or angry, but I will always love them. No matter what they do, they will always be my children. This truth is even more evident in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. He just asks us to believe.
So believe, my dear children. Just believe.
Lord, be near my children today. Walk with them, talk with them, and tell them that they are your own. Impress on their hearts the Words that they have studied and memorized. Help them consider the truth of what they have learned, and how it applies to their lives. May your message be clear to them today, like no other time, that you love them and you are God of this world, and Savior of their heart. Father, may their hearts believe, and may they confess with their mouths that you are their Lord. If there is fear in the hearts, worry of your possible unforgiveness, or feelings of inadequacy to be your child, I pray that you dispel those misconceptions, and fill them with your truth, love, and forgiveness. May they never walk away from you, and your best plan for their lives, and may they always believe in you, dear Jesus. For this I pray today, and forever. Amen.

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