Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pencils or Not

"For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."  Romans 5:5 (NLT)

There is something that comes over me when I pick up Kyle from school.  I've missed him through the day and I just want to SQUEEZE the dude.  Of course at 14 he is way beyond needing his mother's love and affection.

But yesterday something came over Kyle when I picked him up.  He just HAD to go to the store to buy a mechanical pencil.  A special mechanical pencil. We've taken the time to stop at the Walgreens just around the corner from our house, but unfortunately they didn't have the right one.  The next store is a bit further away, and with busy schedules and the cost of gas, we haven't yet found these magical, joy-giving, perfect pencils...much to his dismay.

So as I'm squeezing Kyle's knee in saying "hello", and he's begging to go to the store, he calls out "My love language isn't touch!"  So, I came back and asked him what was.  His response made me laugh:  "My love language is quality time.  Like us going and finding my mechanical pencils".

This little conversation made me think.  I want my kids to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are loved...not only by me, but by their Heavenly Father.  This love, however, won't always look like they want it too.  It's sometimes hard to believe in their hearts their true value and importance when it looks different than they had hoped or expected. 

I pray that their eyes are open to seeing the many ways they are loved, and believe in their hearts that God (and their parents) really does do what's best for them...pencils or not.

Oh Lord, you so love both Alyssa and Kyle that you sent your one and only Son so that they can have everlasting life with you.  Daily you are wooing them, and showing them how much you love and adore them.  May they believe this with their whole heart, mind and soul, and rest in your many promises of love.  I ask that your Holy Spirit fill them, dear Jesus, with the knowledge and truth of your love.  Keep the enemy from leading them away from you, and down the path of doubt, fear, and feelings of inadequacy.  May they know how wide, how long, how deep and how wide your love is for them.  Thank you, precious Father!

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