Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
--Psalm 34:8 (NLT)
Hot dogs for breakfast.
Hot dogs for lunch.
And hot dogs for dinner.
Hot dogs,
hot dogs,
and more hot dogs.
Hot dogs warmed up.
Hot dogs cold.
Hot dogs covered in ketchup.
Hot dogs on a stick.
Mostly just hot dogs with no bun.
Oh how Kyle loved his hot dogs! And though he doesn't eat them with as much passion today, he still loves a dog once in a while!
My hope is that my son loves God with as much hunger as he did his hot dogs. I want both of our children to "taste and see" that He is good, and crave Him morning, noon and night. I want them to thirst after His Word, and desire to get to know Him deeper and deeper. I think the more we "taste" Him and get an idea of His true sweetness, the more we crave His presence in our lives. I pray that for my children, in a big, big way!
Jesus and hot dogs! Who would have thought the two could have anything in common?
Oh Lord, my Lord, you are so good. I have tasted your sweet words, and they bring me life, and life abundantly. I pray that my children hunger and thirst after you, dear Jesus, and crave you like no other. With each little taste, I pray that their desire for you grows in increasing ways to the point that they hunger for more and more of you in their life. Each minute they spend with you, is life giving and vital to their relationship with you. Cause those moments in your presence to ignite a fire in their souls, and a thirst in their heart that cannot be quenched by anything, or anyone, but you. You are God, and you are good! Oh that they may crave you, Father!

Repost from April 9, 2010...just because I loved thinking about the memory of Kyle and his hot dogs today. It seemed so long ago. :)
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