Several times my mind has turned to an incident I had while out Christmas shopping last week. I’m not sure why it keeps entering my thoughts, except that it was so flabbergasting my jaw keeps wanting to drop, and I want to call some kids’ mom! I can tell I’m becoming old when I want to say “what is this world coming to”??? It’s hard to believe that one brief moment is still plaguing my mind so many days later.
As I was exiting a parking lot, two teenage boys rode their bikes in front of me. I slowed down enough for them to cross safely, and then put my foot on the gas to continue on my journey, when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I noticed a third biker fly within a few feet of my front bumper. As I slammed on my brakes, the kid (who was maybe 13 or 14) stopped his bike and raised his hands in the air and began yelling words at me that I pray I never hear come out of my kid’s mouths. Hopping back on his bike, he yelled at me all down the parking lot, waving “the finger” high in the air. Excuse me?!?!
Even if it had been my fault, which it surely in no way was, the response of this young teenage boy profoundly shocked me. Where in the world have these kids been given permission to sass, cuss, and yell at the adults in their lives? If they can respond so rudely to people that they don’t know, how do they treat the moms and dads in their lives? Or their teachers? What will their response be to any authority figures they come across?
I hopefully have taught my kids well enough the importance of respecting the adults in their lives, whether they are adults they know or not. I pray that no other mother will wish they knew how to call me and inform me of my child’s rude behavior. May their respect be evident wherever they go, and to whomever they run into.
Lord, watch over the lips of my children, and protect their hearts and minds from hardening, and speaking out of anger or disrespect to others people in their lives. Guard their tongues from foul words. May your Holy Spirit always caution them when they are tempted to speak to others in an unkind or disrespectful way. Help me to be firm in my parenting, yet loving and respectful, to my children, so in turn they will know how to act and behave in a way that they shine you, dear Jesus. May the words of their mouth, and the meditations of their hearts always be pleasing to you!
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