All along the roads yesterday, from Grammy and Papa's house to home, we saw the beauty of God's creation. We often take the freeway through Washington and Oregon, but because we had to drop Lyss off in McCall for Midwinter Camp, we drove straight down through the state of Idaho. We saw a rafter (a new word for me) of turkeys, a couple herd of deer, and lots of snow. No snow on the road, thank goodness, but a beautiful white covering everywhere.
I especially loved the white frosting that covered the bare shrubs. Every limb and branch was touched by a layer of shimmery white frost. My dear husband, was thoughtful enough to pull over alongside the road a few times so that I could try to capture a picture on my cellphone. Unfortunately there was no way to capture the true beauty my eyes could see. Especially without getting out of my car, and walking up close, in the cold.
As we drove through the winter wonderland, and I thought about the beauty of those shrubs covered in frost/snow, a worship chorus came to mind...
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.
I want God's spirit to fall on me, and cover me with a fresh dusting of His Spirit. With the white covering of snow, you could still tell that the shrub was a shrub, but it took on a different look that had a radiance about it. As I (or my children) allow God's spirit to fall afresh on me, I will radiate of His beauty, and reflect Him and His glory. I just need to be open to the falling of His Spirit over me, and be diligent at spending time in His presence. In some ways, like the shrub, it just means being still, and allowing Him to do the changing.
I pray that as I allow God's touch in my own life, that not only will I be a better mom, but that my kids will see an example of what it means to be changed by the presence of God. I think that they are old enough to have seen some of those changes, and I give all the credit to God's Spirit living in me. What a glorious beauty that comes as we allow the Holy Spirit falls afresh on us.
Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me today, tomorrow, and each day of my life. Melt me, mold me, fill me, and use me. Your presence in my life is so sweet and I thank you for always being at work in my life. Lord, I want to shine with your spirit radiating in me, changing me in ways that glorify you in all that I say and do. Refine me, precious Lord. Fall on me today.
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