For a moment, our Christmas spirit was dashed last Friday evening. We came home and found tire tracks running through our lawn, aimed right at our big blow up Christmas snow-globe. This is a treasure that Ken and the kids found at a garage sale a few years back. Their prized possession now has a couple of holes in it, but no other major damage. Still, however, my mind couldn’t comprehend the thoughtlessness and rudeness. Would someone really go around trying to ruin other people’s Christmas decorations? The nerve. Go spread your bah-humbug somewhere else please.
On the other hand, that very same day, we were abundantly showered by someone’s generosity to our family for Christmas. It was so generous and giving, that when I think about it, my mind can hardly comprehend someone being so kind to another person that isn’t even family (And yes, the family of God is a real and precious thing too!). I wish I knew how to adequately say “thanks”, but I continually lift them to God, giving Him thanks for their blessing, and hoping they know the depths of our gratitude.
There are “givers” and “takers” everywhere. Takers must be an unhappy lot of people. Maybe they are even missing the presence of the Savior in their life. They have forgotten to be kind, grateful, and respectful to the people around them. Givers, on the other hand, put others ahead of themselves. They give out of their abundance, and the joy that lives in their hearts. Givers show love in so many ways, and show Christ’s love to the world around them.
I pray that I am a better “giver” this holiday season, and better yet, in all of life. More so, I pray that my kids will be givers, and not takers, in their homes, with their friends, in their church, and out in the world. Giving is what God calls us to be about. After all, it reflects His very being. God gave us His Son…and there is no greater gift!
Lord, what a profound lesson I learned this weekend. Thank you, that you can be seen even in the moments of my life that don’t seem so lovely. Thank you for blessing us with special people in our lives. They shine you so evidently, and give sacrificially in such beautiful ways. Thank you for the reminder that I want to be more giving, and show your light to those around me. Lord, bless the givers in my life. At the same time, help me to be loving, compassionate, and forgiving to those around me who aren’t so loving in their actions and words. Help me to be understanding, when I am hurt or offended, and show them Christ-like love. I pray that my children will learn to be givers, and not takers, and shine you in all that they say and do. May they show kindness, humility, compassion, and respect to the world around them, showing that you live in their lives. Holy Spirit, show them opportunities and ways to be giving even in this season. Thank you, Lord, for being the ultimate example of a giver, and sending the world your Son, so that we may have eternal life. That is a gift truly worth celebrating this Christmas season. I love you, precious Savior.
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