Last night, Kyle and I had an argument over a $3.00 "Darth Vadar Mini Indoor Hoop Set" that he found on ebay. It was just the thing that would make him the happiest boy on earth....for today anyway. Well, he didn't like the fact that I told him that he had to go on a spending freeze until after Christmas. Oh, the torture over the next 9 days!
"What if someone has bought you that for Christmas, Kyle?"
"Who cares. I can have two!" he says.
More is better at Christmas time. My kids begin thinking of all the things they want, and the list grows each day. Of course, I have noticed that as my kids grow older the lists have become shorter, but the items are more expensive. So, a basketball hoop that hangs over the door for $3, is a pretty cheap idea. Too bad my shopping is done for him!
My prayer, however, is that in this season my kids will find joy in giving, not just receiving. I pray that they learn the thrill of excitement over finding just the perfect gift for someone they love. I pray that they are drawn to give to others in need, or who can't afford the gifts at Christmas. May their thoughts be moved from their own list of wants and desires, to showering others with the blessing they've received from God.
May giving mark their spirits this season for "God loves a cheerful giver".
Lord, you have blessed our lives with so many good things. We are abundantly rich with all that we have. My kids don't know what it needs to be in want, or have needs that cannot be met. I thank you, Lord, for always providing and blessing our family. In this season, may we turn our focus from the things we want and hope for, and begin thinking about how we can bless others. I pray that my children's hearts find great joy when they begin thinking about what they can give to those they love...even when it comes to each other. May their hearts be full of gratitude and thanksgiving, and out of that internal joy, desire to shower others with blessing. I pray that they become lifelong, cheerful to others out of what they themselves have received from God. Oh, what a sight to behold!
1 comment:
For more ideas on giving cheerfully, you may want to visit Cheerful Givers at
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