Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Innocent as Doves

My dear husband Ken is the author of today's blog and prayer. Thanks, babe, for praying for our children with me. I love you!

Today's verse: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16

Yesterday I was struck by a contrast. Papa, Uncle Tim and I took the kids to a recreation center where we enjoyed a great afternoon of basketball and swimming together. Unfortunately, in addition to having a fun time on the waterslides and courts, we also found some very unfriendly and rude teenagers who seemed to make it their goal to attract attention to themselves with their profanity. At one point, our daughter felt made fun of and she wisely and quietly found another place to be. I’m so proud that Lyssa is such a strong young woman of faith. She feels no need to compromise what she believes in order to fit in with others. Reflecting on today’s experience, it’s sad and frustrating to be in a public place, especially when you’re with your kids, where others are so casually using profanity and rude humor. For many, this is simply a way of life and rudeness is equated with being cool and having fun.

Yesterday’s recreation center experience made me feel deeply thankful for my family’s version of fun. By contrast, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing our family together around the dining table last night playing “Apples to Apples.” In a day and age where so many are attracted to vulgarity, it’s refreshing to find raucous laughter (to the point of tears) around wholesome, good and clean family fun.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will protect the innocent spirit of our children. I pray that they will always be very careful of what they choose to expose themselves to. I pray that they will crave purity and that their hearts will always be sensitive to and repulsed by unwholesome and unclean things. I know that in this world, they will be confronted by evil on a daily basis. Father make them wise and always alert to danger. Lord, I pray that our home, and their homes, will always be a refuge of moral strength, joy and innocence. Lord let them be as shrewd as snakes, and as innocent as doves.

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