January...After the heart-wrenching reality that part of my family believed that my PMS was more than a once a month experience, I went to God and He gave me a scripture to hold onto and pray on a daily basis..."Love is patient, love is kind." (1 Corinthians 13:4). Slowly I began to see God do a transformation in my heart and mind.
February...I had the chance to speak at my 5th Women's Retreat. I saw God's hand leading and guiding in beautiful ways, as I prepared for this weekend. God's message, through me, was used to speak to some ladies, and it was fun to hear their testimonies. I'm not sure where God is leading in this particular area of ministry, but I know that I am learning to be open to His plan wherever He leads.
March...Lyss, Kyle and I went and spent a few days at my sister's house, watching her kids with my mom and dad, while my sister was in Mexico (we missed you, Kip!). We had some rich family bonding time, a fun day on the beach, and made some fun memories with my niece and nephews. I'm so thankful for the wonderful kids God has given me. I know that He has great plans for their lives, and daily I am seeing His hand on their lives.
April...Women's Retreat is always a blessing, and a great way to kick off springtime. God always speaks in amazing ways to me during this time away, and this year was no exception. Kendall Tucker, our speaker, said that God gave her a Scripture just for me, and at first I was a little unsure as to why, but it soon became very clear. "The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." (Isaiah 40:28-29). After an exercise, where we needed to go around our group and whisper in each ear, what we always wanted to hear our parent/s say to us, I was overwhelmed by the great need of the women in that room. I realized that that as pastors there was no way we could ever fill the needs, and help heal the hurts of all these women. There was only Jesus, and He will never grow tired or weary. Amen!
May...After months of planning and preparations for a family trip to Playa de Carmen, Mexico in June, our final payments were due this month. However, with a little investigating by our travel agent, we found out that the resort was offering some specials because of the swine flu outbreak. They needed to offer some incentive to get people to keep coming despite the threat of this illness. A phone call brought the good news that the both of our kids were going to stay at the resort for FREE! What a tremendous savings. God is so good! He even cared about our rest, recreation, and extravagant dreams.
June...Our trip to Mexico finally arrived. We stayed in a resort that was like nothing we've ever dreamed of. An experience of a lifetime for sure. We swam in the pool, visited Chichen-Itza, played with the dolphins, and ate until we were sick to our stomachs. In my quiet time one morning, God spoke to me in a beautiful way, reminding me that all of it was His gift to our family. "Open wide your mouth and I will fill it." (Psalm 81:10) Oh, we were opening our mouths all right!
July...A twelve week sabbatical from our church was full of rest, family memories, and precious times with the Lord. There were moments however, where we missed our church family greatly. Two things I learned: God is enough ("The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23:1) to meet all my needs, and secondly, despite being the "pastor's kids" my children love our church. Being in ministry hasn't scarred them for life. God is so good.
And one more...Kyle's baseball team won the 12-year old Idaho State Baseball Championship. What glorious fun that was! We were on our way to Regionals with the hope of winning and going to the Little League World Series in Maryland. We did not win, but that was okay. The big "win" was a chance to teach my son that God was his defender. We struggled through this last baseball season with a coach that didn't seem to encourage Kyle, or use him to his potential. Kyle, not used to spending much time on the bench, spent most of the season a bit discouraged. As I was praying for him, and asking God how I could encourage Kyle, God gave me a message..."I will be Kyle's defender." You know, as a mom it's easy to want to fix all of our kids problems. Let me get a hold of that coach, man! After one particularly hard game, I was able to share with Kyle this scripture..."When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them." (Isaiah 19:20)
August...This probably should go up in "May", but it was something that God continually spoke to me about all summer, and the closer and closer we got to coming back, the more urgent my heart felt about God's new calling in my life. It was a calling to pray...pray more for my children, for the youth of our church, and the youth workers who are called by God to minister to them. I became really concerned about the spiritual lives of our youth, and sensed an urgency to pray that God would get a hold of them in powerful ways. In June, God gave me a verse to claim and believe..." 'They will be mine,' says the Lord Almighty, 'in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." (Malachi 3:17-18) So, beginning in September, a group of people began to meet to pray. What a blessing that Sunday night time has been.
August 19th my dear hubby and I celebrated our 20th Anniversary! God has been faithful, and I feel richly blessed!
September...As I began making preparations for the new prayer time for our youth (YIPPS as I call it), God began to place another idea on my heart to help me pray for my kids in a more disciplined manner, and possibly help other parents to do the same. So, on September 19th, I began this blog. I've seen God do amazing things in my heart, answer prayers in specific ways, and make a difference in my children's lives. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)
October...This fall our Women's Bible study began going through a book called, "Me, Myself, and Lies" by Jennifer Rothschild. I really sensed God's leading to do this study and take some time looking at our "thought closets" and giving them a makeover. As we began this study and gradually got into His Word, I soon realized that there were some very discouraged and frightened hearts, and a few women who were ready to give up before they even got very far. One evening God gave me an idea for an exercise at the next study, and through much prayer and deliberation I decided to follow God's leading. That one day was a turning point, and totally one of the most powerful God moments in our study. Lives are being changed in amazing ways! Thursday mornings with these ladies are one of my most favorite moments each week.
November...In November, I headed to Newberg, Oregon for my first Administrative Council of the NWYM. I had no idea why God placed me on this committee. I couldn't figure out what I would have to offer. He's so funny. As we began our meeting times, we had some prayer and sharing time in order to get to know one another better. My heart just felt impressed to share with them about a woman I know, probably in her 60's, who has yet to accept Jesus Christ as her Savior. I so long for her to get to know Him in a personal way, and not miss another day with Him. After I shared my hearts cry, the people on this committee took some time to pray for her. What a holy ground experience that was for me. I know that this is one prayer God is going to answer one day.
December...The month full of beautiful reminders of His love for me. Oh, I feel totally blessed by God's provision to our family through other people. Who would have thought that the gift of new snow tires would bring such joy?! And that was just the beginning of surprise after surprise. God is good...all the time!
Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your rich blessing in my life. Thank you for all the many ways I have seen evidence of your presence and activity in my life. I feel abundantly loved. Lord, you have been at work in my children's lives. I've seen your hand of protection, guidance, and blessing, day after day. I look forward to what the new year has in store for them, and for me. I give thanks to you, Lord, for you are good and your love endures forever. Let everything that has breath praise you!