Counting my blessings today...
- A hubby who has been a big help while I've been working...dinners, laundry, cleaning house, and making me breakfast here and there.
- A day off from work which allowed for a date and some rest.
- A skype call from Lyssa. She had a great weekend retreat with her fellow Art students and a favorable doctors visit about a cyst on her foot. It seems to be going down all on its own and may not need any treatment.
- Kyle found his first signs of facial hair. Does this mean his baby-face will soon be gone?
- Blessed with TWO dinners from my dear friend. Spoiled beyond words
- A huge box of potatoes on my doorstep.
Oh Lord, you are so good to me. I don't want to forget all your benefits and blessings today. My heart rejoices in who you are and the many ways I see your hand of provision, love , and guidance. You lavish love on your children. I feel abundantly cherished, my precious Savior!

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