"Love the brotherhood of believers,
fear God, honor the king." 1 Peter 2:17
The three Kens! My dear hubby on the left.
So many things to be thankful for this week. We are at our annual church conference this week and it's easy to make a big list of blessings. I'll try to be brief for your sake!
- The weather in Newberg, Oregon, for our annual conference is usually miserably HOT, but this week it has been cool and sunny!
- Lunch with another pastor couple was great encouragement!
- Time chatting with other pastor's wives blessed my socks off.
- God appointed moments with others.
- Seeing our children "hang" with other kids who are passionately in love with Jesus, and find community, encouragement, and great teaching, is a joy for me to behold.
- Hearing an auditorium of worshipers (not sure how many...500 or so), young and old, all resound their praise in song made my heart leap with delight.
- Seeing many youth from our church participating in these worship times.

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