Alyssa had just turned 6 years old, and was learning to write. Freedom to communicate was at the tip of her fingers. What fun it was as parents, to find that she had some tendencies toward evangelism, and wanted to share with everyone what they too needed to do! We found this proclamation on one of the dry erase boards at church...
"Askc Jesus too live in your hurte" -- Alyssa, 2000
May she always be willing to communicate to the world that Jesus loves them, and the important truth that all they have to do is ask Him into their hearts.
Children often have the ability to speak louder than we can imagine.
Lord, I hold onto this promise from your Word..."My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever." (Isaiah 59:21) I pray that my children always hold onto the truth that you are God, you love them with all that you are, and you are the most important treasure of their lives. May this truth be forever on their lips, and they find boldness to share it with others in their lives, and to the generations that come after them. I pray that their hearts burn with passion to spread your Word to the lost. Pursuing you, living for you, and sharing you with others will bring the greatest joy of their lives. Thank you, Lord, for holding them in the palm of your hands, and having a future for them that holds good things. They are a precious gift to us, and to the world around them. May they speak loud of your love to the world around them.

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