My apologies: Blogger changed how it publishes posts and once again I didn't realize today's blog didn't go out this morning. Sorry if you missed me. :)
"But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:23
We're picking up our kids from camp today. Yes, we had a wonderful time while they were away, and YES we missed them greatly. I hope that we all four will be able to say we had a great 5 days.
I remember camp being such a vital part of my spiritual growth when I was a kid. I have memories of speakers, camp fire worship times, making friends, and new decisions and commitments to Christ as I came home. As the Word of God was spoken seeds were planted that changed my life and grew into wonderful things.
I'm praying that the seeds planted this weekend at camp will be life changing for Alyssa and Kyle and will produce crops in their lives that will reap more than I can ever imagine.
Lord, I thank you for the opportunity Alyssa and Kyle had to hear your Word at camp this week. I pray that the seed of your Word fell on good soil and that our kids heard things in new, relevant, and life changing ways and that they experienced great understanding for what they were hearing. I pray that the seed produces roots that grow down deep into your living water and refreshes their inner beings. May this just cause Alyssa and Kyle to fall deeper in love with you and your Word, dear Jesus. Oh how I hope that their lives are forever changed!

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