Lyssa (in red) and friends...1998
Friends can bring great joy,
and deep heartache.
Sometimes even in the same day.
Deep and life giving laughter one moment.
Uncontrollable tears the next.
Hurt can come easily.
Words even sharp and too honest at times.
But a willingness to work through the pain.
Talking and listening.
Both important to the mending.
Friends give life and meaning to who we are.
Friends give encouragement to strive beyond our doubts and fears.
Friends give light to our dark days.
To have a friend like that is priceless.
To be a friend like that takes sacrifice and effort,
but blesses two.
You and
Your friend.
So love deeply, dear children.
Give abundantly.
Forgive always.
Laugh hard.
Comfort the tears.
Accept the differences.
Enjoy the similarities.Be the best.
And rejoice in such a beautiful gift!
Lord, thank you for the friends you have enriched my life with. Friends can bring such joy and pleasure in our lives. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find friends in their lives that spur them on towards good things. Friends that encourage them when they are down, forgive them when they are wrong, and love them even when they are unlovely. Above all, however, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to be that kind of friend. I pray that they love deeply, forgive easily, and give abundantly to the friends in their lives. Friendship takes work, and I pray that they are willing to do the hard work of being a good friend. May they shine you, dear Jesus, in their friendships, and lead others towards you. When their friends need guidance, may Alyssa and Kyle lead them to your Word. When they need hope, may they lead them to prayer. And when there is hurt, and forgiveness comes hard, may they look to you for strength. Friendships enrich our lives, but to have a good friend, they need to be a good friend. Help them, Lord, to be a good friend.

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