My girl...2011
Yesterday morning was not a good morning…At least from this
mother’s perspective. This is a text I
sent my dear hubby…
“If I had to make a list of things I hate, there are at least two things that would make the running next to mice…our schedules and waking up the girl.”
I think I deserve the nickname “snooze alarm”.
I come to her room every 15 minutes or so.
I remind her of how much time she has until she has to
I turn on lights.
I nudge.
I’ve even been known to set off the fire alarm (blogged about here).
Then at some point I claim that the “snooze alarm” is "out of
Yesterday, with 7 minutes to spare before needing to head
out the door, and no less than 7 trips to her bedroom, Lyss got out of bed.
I probably get more and more frustrated, not entirely because
the kids don’t get out of bed when they should, but because I don’t put my foot
down and allow them to fail (or succeed) all on their own in the
department of getting up in the morning.
I make myself the “snooze alarm”.
Lyssa is facing her senior year in high school. One more year and she’ll be away at college
and have to figure this getting up thing all on her own. Oh I need to let go of thinking that the
“snooze alarm” is my job, and pass the responsibility and “privilege” off to
the girl.
Wake up, Tresa, it’s time!
Lord, you’ve given me
the awesome responsibility of training up my children in the way they should
go, and so many times I feel like I have failed. Give me the strength and wisdom to know how
and when to make changes, teach hard lessons, and even give myself and them
grace. You discipline those you love and
I need to follow that example even when it’s hard. You allow your children to face hard
consequences when we make wrong choices, and I need to be willing to do the
same. And still you are are our refuge,
shelter, and walk with us through the tough times that are a result of our
mistakes. I so want Alyssa and Kyle to
grow up to be responsible adults and the things we are teaching them now are
laying a foundation for that. Be our
teacher, dear Jesus, and show us the ways we should be parenting, and give us
wisdom and courage to make new rules, institute different changes, or allow
hard consequences. Lord, grow up Alyssa
and Kyle in the way they should go, and I pray that they never depart from it.

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