Our daughter often craves Qdoba nachos, iced cinnamon mochas, and McDonald's cheeseburgers. She even gets to a point where she begs, pleads, and is often willing to sacrifice her own money in order to fill her "need".
What I pray for most, is that what she craves more than those things is pure spiritual milk. God and His Word is the greatest food for her soul. Oh, how I want her to long for the deeper things.
And the beautiful thing about this? I think that is the desire of my daughter's heart as well.
Yeah God!
Lord, help our children to crave pure spiritual milk, so that they may grow up in their salvation, and fall deeper in love with you. I pray, Father, that their souls hunger and thirst for more of you. Put within their hearts a longing to dig deep in your Word, to pursue you with every ounce of their body, mind and soul, and encourage others to do the same. I pray that when they seek you, they find you, dear Jesus, just as you have promised.

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