"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand..." Jeremiah 18:6
I love play-doh.
I love the smell (yes, I know, it's silly).
I love the feel as I squeeze it through my fingers.
I love how it brings out the child in me.
I love using my creativity, and seeing what fun things I can make
with a roll, push, pinch, or twist.
I try to be like play-doh.
(And not just the smelling good part!)
He is the Potter, and I am the clay.
Unfortunately, sometimes I have a mind of my own.
I need to be
and willing
to be made into anything
He wants me to be.
(And not just the smelling good part!)
He is the Potter, and I am the clay.
Unfortunately, sometimes I have a mind of my own.
I need to be
and willing
to be made into anything
He wants me to be.
I want my children to be play-doh too,
in the hands of God!
in the hands of God!
Dear Children, remember:
He is the Potter and you are the clay!
He is the Potter and you are the clay!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being our wonderful Creator, who loves us immensely, and has great plans for our lives. Thank you for being our Potter. You gently mold us, bend us, and stretch us to be who you want us to be. I pray, dear Jesus, that you help our children to be like flexible clay, willing to be transformed by your hand. Where they are hardened, or unwilling to be molded, soften their hearts and break their wills. Help their ears to be willing to hear from others about things in their lives that need changed or improved. Help our children to be like clay in the hand of the potter. Lord, make their lives into something beautiful, and help them to reflect the wonder of their Creator.

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