Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet
sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
--Mark Twain
Lord, thank you that you show us
the true meaning of forgiveness. Thank you for forgiving us of all our
sins, and loving us despite our faults and failures. Because we have
been forgiven, we can in turn forgive others. Oh how I long for my
children to be good forgivers. Bitterness and anger can so easily take
root in our hearts and minds, and effect every aspect of our lives.
Friends hurt us, enemies discourage us, and our families make mistakes.
On a daily basis we have to choose to forgive. May Alyssa and Kyle
choose to develop the character that reflect you living and active
presence in their lives, including forgiveness, acceptance, patience and
love. Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to bear with each other, and
others in their lives, and forgive whatever grievances they may have
against those who hurt them. May they learn to forgive as you, Lord,
forgave them. Thank you, Sweet Father, for hearing my prayers.

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