It's been VBS week at our church. I can see God's fingerprints everywhere. The Lord is great and awesome! Here's just a few things I'm thankful for today.
- We had 60+ different adults and youth help out this week. It's a great blessing watch a church in action and work together as a team. I'm so proud of everyone!
- Watching many of our youth, who have grown up attending VBS, now being ministers themselves...leading the music, helping in classes, leading crews of kids. It's an amazing sight to behold! 2 of the teenage girls even brought me a coffee as a sweet surprise. It blessed my socks off.
- I appreciate so much my family getting involved and helping out. Not just cause I'm the "director" but because they too love watching kids come to know Jesus.
- A friend made my family dinner on our 2nd night of VBS...I have to tell you that is a huge blessing during a busy time.
- My family had a safe and fun trip to see Grammy & Papa. I was bummed to miss out but I rejoice that they were so blessed by their time with them. While everyone was away I was able to get ahead on my VBS work and so this has been the "easiest" VBS for me in some regards.
- Last night some children accepted Jesus as their Savior. It was a delight to watch one of our youth help a little boy make that decision for himself. God is rejoicing in another heart that belongs to Him!
- Tonight we give Bibles away to kids who don't have one of their own. I think that this is my favorite part of the week. I love sharing with others one of my favorite things!
The list is not finished in regards to all the ways God was great and awesome this week. Tonight is our last night of VBS. I will never fully see all the ways in which He was moving and working. Seeds were planted in lots of little hearts, and I pray that even among our workers, God was speaking.
May His fingerprints be seen for days and years to come and be a permanent mark on people's lives.
Thank you, Lord, for your visible, powerful, life-giving, presence in Vacation Bible School this week. My heart rejoices in your awesomeness all over the place. Thank you for providing everything that was needed this week...the workers, the kids and even the time to get everything done. I pray that you continue to soften hearts and move among all of those present tonight at VBS, and may your saving grace be shared in a powerful, yet simple and profound way. You are great and awesome and you are the song of my heart. May that be true of all who hear your name tonight too.