It's summer break time! Yesterday was our official first day of no school. It wasn't long before I heard the first "I'm bored" or "There's nothing to do." Could they have just waited until day #2 to issue any complaint?
I'm thinking I'll also have to be reminding them of the "rules" and expectations I have for the coming months (or for the rest of their lives)...
- Throw away your own trash.
- Turn off the lights.
- Put the dishes in the dishwasher.
- Wipe off the counter if you make a mess.
- Take the cans/bottles to the recycle bin.
Oh, did that sound like I was yelling? Sorry. I think I picked up one too many things that weren't mine yesterday.
I truly want my kids eyes to be open to how they can help around the house, and what their responsibilities are. I want them to somehow naturally see what needs to be done and then do it.
I guess I'll just have to keep nagging until they get it. Or pray harder.
Lord, be with our family in this new season. May this be a time where Alyssa and Kyle grow and mature and face their responsibilities head-on. I pray that they don't tire of doing what is right, good, and helpful to others. Responsibility is growing more and more in Alyssa and Kyle and I know that it is you moving and living in them. Please continue to show them the areas in which they need to step up and do better. Prompt their hearts to do their best! May their hearts be marked by kindness, service and compassion. Move them, dear Jesus, to be their best!

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