Friday, June 24, 2011

Gifts & Time

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."  1 Peter 4:10

VBS "Advertising"...1997...Find Lyss & Kyle.

We are 2 days away from our church's Vacation Bible School.  VBS is one of our church's highlights each year, and we tend to do it up big.  In the final hours/.days before the big event, there are many things that need to be done, and many hours spent at the church.  Over the last three weeks, I have thoroughly enjoyed watching our church family pull together and use their gifts and talents to lend a hand to help.  Even Lyss gave some time and used her gifts.

By Lyss giving of her time, and using her gifts, she is a small part of changing children's lives at Vacation Bible School.  She is also a part of making the load lighter for others.  By her giving in this way she is blessing many other people's lives.

I pray that my kids will always be willing to use their time and gifts for the benefit of God and to bless others.

Thank you, Lyss, and dear church family for all your hard work!  What a blessing you've been, and will be in the coming week, to so many!

Oh Lord, you have gifted our children in so many ways, and you have specific purposes for their lives using those gifts.  Thank you for being their Master designer, and making them in such wonderful ways!  They are your children for sure!  I pray, dear Jesus, that they always choose to use their time and talent to serve you, help others, and show the world how to find you.  I pray that compassion fills their spirit, and flows out in their words and actions towards others.  I pray that they hold loosely to their own expectations, needs, and desires, and give freely of their time and talents to make a difference in other people's lives.  You can use their gifts in so many ways, if their hearts, minds, and bodies are willing.  In doing so they will be faithfully administering your grace in its various forms to others. Lord, thank you that you use us to show your love to others. Amen!

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