Kyle taking the plunge...2006
The command to "be strong and courageous" appears about 11 times in scripture. I think it may be said over and over again because it's something we need to hear. I know that I often need to be reminded to "take courage" (listed at least 4 times).
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, as you parent.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa, when you need to face a fear.
"Be strong and courageous"m Tresa, when you think about the future.
"Be strong and courageous", Tresa!
I believe that our children need to hear and be encouraged by this reminder today.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, as you try something new.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, as you face your fear.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, when you have to endure a hurt.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, when you need to speak the truth.
"Be strong and courageous", my child, each time you choose to do the right thing.
With God Alyssa and Kyle can do all things! Nothing is Impossible. Today, I pray that they will be "be strong and courageous!"
Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to be strong and courageous today. Whatever fears they face, and with whoever they come in contact with, or in whatever they have to do, I pray that they know that you are walking by their side. You provide them the strength they need to do all things. You will never leave them or forsake them. May your Spirit resound in the depths of their heart and remind them continually that they can be strong and courageous as they walk with you. Thank you, Lord, that we can take courage, stand firm and live in your hope. Oh Savior you are so precious.

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