I realized the other day that I haven't written a blog and prayer about trust. Considering I've almost written 600 blogs, and think trust is such an important thing in our walk with the Lord, it's amazes me that I haven't even broached the subject. How can that be? We'll here I am to change things.
I pray, with my whole heart, that our kids trust God.
To trust:
1. to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on. 2. to believe.
3. to expect confidently; hopeWe often put our trust in people or things that ultimately fail us. But to know and trust in God, who proves Himself worthy of our trust, is the best thing we can do with our lives. The more we practice trusting, and stepping out on faith, the easier it becomes. The more we see God as good, loving and just, the more we see trust as the only way to go. Trusting God truly is the best thing we can do.
When my kids were little and frightened, they trusted me, and grabbed my hand and received this sense of refuge and security.
Kyle holding Daddy's hand...1998
When my kids were little and hurt, they trusted me, as they shared their sorrows or lifted their boo-boos for a kiss, and they found comfort and encouragement.
Lyss & Papa...1999
When my kids were little and lost, they trusted me, and with a word of guidance or some direction they were confident to be on their way.
Kyle trying his hand at driving...age 18 months
Trusting God offers all these things to Alyssa and Kyle in even greater supply. I pray that trust comes easily. Oh, He is so worthy of our trust.
Lord, may my children say, "I trust in you, O Lord; You are my God." I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to trust you with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding, but in all their ways acknowledge you, for you will make their paths straight. May trust come easily, stay forever, be found often, and change their lives from this day forward. You, Lord, are worthy of our trust, and I cry out with praise and thanksgiving. Amen.

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