Yesterday, Alyssa survived her first night of Drivers Ed. YAHOO!
At 17, she is one of the oldest students in the class. Part of the delay began because I wasn't ready to have a child driving, but the longer we put it off the more it became about Alyssa and her fear to drive.
So yesterday felt like one big step towards conquering a fear that has been nagging my girl for a couple of years. What freedom will come when she finally realizes that this is something she can do. I know God goes with her through each twist and turn, parking challenge, and new lesson.
Now lets just pray she goes back to class tonight.
Drive away that fear, dear Jesus!
Oh Lord, our God, take hold of Alyssa's right hand and speak tenderly in her ear, 'Do not fear; I will help you." What blessed assurance she can have knowing that you are with her, you are mighty to save, and that with you she can do all things. I pray Lord, that fear never take hold of Alyssa and Kyle in such a way that it keeps them from living abundant lives and following wherever you send them. Help Alyssa and Kyle to be bold and trusting of your promises. May they fix their eyes on you, and set their minds on the hope that you are their refuge and their strength, and their help in trouble. Drive away those fears, sweet Jesus.

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