Photo taken by Alyssa--Pike's Market, Seattle, 2009
“In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life.” 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (The Message)
A beautiful scripture yes?
In our Women’s Bible Study today we briefly reflected on the question posed to us in our video lesson, “When I walk into a room, can others smell the fragrance of Jesus on me?” Do I “give off a sweet scent rising to God”? Oh, I pray so.
As a child, I had a grandparent who smoked. We didn’t mind so much hanging out at his house, but the moment we would arrive home we would throw all of our clothes in the dirty laundry and jump in the shower. When I spent time with my grandpa, I smelled like my grandpa.
How I want my life to give the fragrance of Christ. Unfortunately, when I participate in things that are not of God, my attitude starts stinking like rotten potatoes. When I spend time with God, on the other hand, I start smelling like Him. Do my children “breathe in the exquisite fragrance” of God living in me? Oh, I pray so.
An even bigger question is will Alyssa and Kyle “give off a sweet scent”, proving their close proximity to the Father?
Oh, I pray so.
The Company I Keep
By Beth Moore
Let me be known by the company I keep
By the One who determines each day that I greet
From the moment I wake ‘til He rocks me to sleep
Let me be known by the company I keep!
Let me be known by the company I keep
When the valleys are low and the mountains are steep
By the One who holds fast when swift waters are deep
Let me be known by the company I keep!
Let me be known by the company I keep
By the One who implores me to sit at His feet
And quickens my soul to discern what is deep
Let me be known by the company I keep!
Let me be known by the company I keep
Eclipsed by Your presence that I may decrease
‘Til all You have chosen this traveler to meet
No longer see me but the Company I keep.
(“Things Pondered” by Beth Moore, pg. 101)
Oh Lord, what sweet company you are. You are kind, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love. What a beautiful Spirit to abide in. I pray Lord, that as I rest in your precious presence, others will be able to smell your fragrant aroma living in me. As they follow my example, may my children fall in love with you, and find the joy it is to spend time in your presence. As they dig into your Word, may they learn the truth of who you are God, and begin to reflect you in their lives. I live with the hope that they smell of love, forgiveness, peace, hope, joy, compassion and mercy to the world around them, drawing others into your saving presence. Everywhere they go, may people breathe in the exquisite fragrance of you! Oh, I pray so!

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