"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." James 5:16
I was reminded of the following song this last weekend. I've sang it many times for baby dedications of little boys in our church, my son's included. Every time I sang it, I was reminded of one of my greatest prayers for our son...that he would become a "young man on his knees". I'm just praying that prayer is a tender and life-changing part of both Alyssa and Kyle's life.
Lord, you hold Alyssa and Kyle in your hands, and you are with them in every moment of every day. May they both come to find the joy of having a personal relationship with you. What delight it is that your children can walk with you and talk with you. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find you a delight and love you as a friend and as their precious Father. Thank you for being living and active in their lives forevermore.

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