I had the great joy of speaking with the junior high Sunday school class at our church about prayer. It's a topic I'm passionate about and it was such a delight to see their faces appear to be a little interested in what I had to say. My main point was that Jesus can be their friend, and they need (or can) to communicate with Him in order to develop the best possible relationship with Him.
There are no rules...they don't have to use big words, speak for a long time, close their eyes, or be in a special place. I told them its as easy as thanking God for the wonderful PB & J sandwich with yummy raspberry jam on it.
Oh it was fun to meet with this class.
Incidentally Kyle was in this Sunday School class. As we were driving to youth group later on that evening, to get him on the church bus to go bowling with the other kids in his class, he joked that our Sunday night prayer group (YIPPS) might have fun coming bowling with them and we could pray for them there. Praying in a bowling alley could be fun! Ha!
How sweet it was to know that my kid recognizes that I pray for him, and I love knowing that he's learning that prayer could be a powerful thing in his life. I hope he falls in love with prayer (Didn't I just write about that last week?...I'm keeping on!) and finds that he can speak to Jesus as he would speak to his friend! That's just how easy it is!
Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to speak to you as one speaks to their friend. You are the most wonderful friend that they could ever have. As they speak to you, sharing their pain, fears, and hopes, I pray that it will draw them closer to you as their God. May prayer become something to them as easy as breathing. Lord, make prayer a sweet thing in Alyssa and Kyle's life.

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