You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:36
Persistent Kyle...1997
As a little tyke Kyle was always persistent in getting what he wanted. Periodically, I still get to see that side of him. Persistence, or perseverance, are good qualities when used for the right things, and in the right ways.
Kyle loved bath times, and he hated it when Alyssa would be taking a bath and he wasn't allowed to go in and join her. I would close the bathroom door, and he would cry, and cry, and cry. However, if I left the door open so he could check out what was going on, he couldn't just "sit on the sidelines" and watch Alyssa in the bath. He had to get in with matter what. There were many times when all of a sudden my little boy was submerged in bubbles and warm water, in his pajamas and all (don't you love soggy, wet diapers?!).
Persistence, perseverance and passion got him what he wanted!
Kyle (and Alyssa), I hope that you use those same qualities to follow God's will for your life. Be persistent, never letting any stumbling blocks to get in your way. Perseverance will be the key when things get tough, or days feel long. And passion will cause you to go great lengths for the One you love!
Lord, I know the plans you have for Alyssa and Kyle's lives are for good, and will bring them into places of abundance, joy, and life. However, there will be days I'm pretty sure, that will be filled with challenges and obstacles to overcome. Instill in our children the desire to be persistent, persevering, and passionate about the calling you place on their lives. Remove any tendencies to be lazy or fearful, but choose to push through no matter the cost. Lord, your strength is what they will need to hold onto some days, and your vision is what they will need to fix their eyes on, and when they do, I know that they will find great help and blessing. I pray that they jump into your plan for their lives, feet first and with great gusto, no matter the things that seem to be in their way, because one day they will receive what you have promised!

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