For a few months now Alyssa and her friend Hannah have been planning their school prom, and Saturday all their hard work came to fruition in an extravagance that is hard to really experience unless you had seen it first hand. I'm proud of them for all their planning and hard work and it was a tremendous success.
Here's a few pictures so you can get an idea:
I think Lyss was saying here that she was tired. Ha!
My beautiful girl!
All their plans succeeded. It was a great night all in all. I don't know if they prayed over things as they went along in their planning over these last months, but watching it all unfold was a blessing.
Bigger projects and plans will come about in our kids lives, and decisions will need to be made that could impact their future in big ways, and I pray that they learn to seek God for wisdom, guidance and direction as they go. As they follow His will for their lives, and commit to going His way and not their own, I'm sure they will find a God-success that matches no other.
Good job girls for pulling off a wonderful prom!
Lord, what great delight it was to watch my daughter find success this weekend. Thank you for being with her as she planned, organized, and put together such a fun event. What great delight you must have watching your children succeed in their lives when they commit their ways to you. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to check in with you in regards to their plans for life, and that they commit to following wherever you lead. As they make decisions that will impact their future, may they look to you for guidance and approval. For I know you have plans for Alyssa and Kyle that will bring great joy and peace, and with you by their side leading, they can find great success and pleasure. Thank you, Lord, for being living and active in our lives.

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