New Glasses...2003
It always seems that one of us in our family is struggling with our contacts. All four of us have the pleasure of needing help to see clearly. This week its Kyle's turn. Much to his dismay, he had to wear his glasses to school yesterday. So not cool. I kept wanting to remind him how thankful he should be to have something that helps him see, but you know, sometimes those things aren't received well if Mom says it. So, I didn't.
I'd love it if God would heal all of our eyes, so that physically we could see without the aid of contacts or glasses. I would love for Jesus to put His hands on our eyes and make them new. As I reflect, however, I long for the same touch on the eyes of our hearts. Oh to be able to see clearly all that God does in our lives, or to recognize when He's leading or carrying us. And to behold His glory, wonder, and awesomeness. To gaze upon His presence with us when we feel afraid, alone, or unlovely. Or be able to take in the profound truth as we study His Word.
I want my blinders removed, and I want the same for my children, so that they can see Him clearly.
Lord, open Alyssa and Kyle's eyes that they may see you, know you, and hold to your truths. Give them restored sight for the things of your kingdom, and the ways in which you call them to live in your truth. Remove the veil from their eyes so they can recognize and understand your holiness, the life you call them of servanthood, or the power of your Word in their lives. If there is anything that keeps them from seeing you, dear Jesus, remove it so they can know and believe in you all the days of their lives. Oh the sweetness of restored sight, where we can see the world as you see it, and rest in knowing you are with us. May it be so for Alyssa and Kyle. Thank you, Precious Father!

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