Kyle and his friend Jake...2006
Yesterday, I was the "taxi mom" for Kyle and four of his teammates. I like transporting my kids friends because I learn a lot about who they are, as they laugh, tell stories, and carry on conversations together. It's amazing how much I learn about my own kids too.
On this particular trip to the boys basketball game, one of Kyle's friends was passing around his Ipod and headphones, and allowing others to take a listen. I was pleasantly surprised when one young man, turned to his friend and said, "You need to take some of those songs off you're Ipod. Those aren't good to listen to."
I loved that! Way to go, dude!
I pray that my kids have friends who are willing to be bold like that, and hold them accountable for the things they say or do, and put into their minds through movies or music. Sure, I want them to be that kind of friend as well, but what a gift to have someone in their life who will speak the truth in love, and help sharpen them in their walk with the Lord.
Lord, I pray that you place friends in Alyssa and Kyle's life that sharpens them, like iron sharpens iron. I pray that these others will speak boldly, and speak the truth to them, especially when it's in regards to something that keeps them from living the way you long for them to live. Supply friends with a tenacious willingness to love Alyssa and Kyle enough to offer them tidbits of truth that will draw them closer to you. Thank you, Lord, for giving my kids good friends, and for making us people who can grow, change, and be transformed into your likeness.

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