and Me (5 or 6 years old approx.)
Once upon a time there was...
- …a little girl who never thought she’d feel comfortable talking to people one-on-one, much less become a pastor’s wife who talks to everyone
- …a little girl who never expected to leave the safety of teaching children, and begin teaching adults instead
- …a little girl who never dreamed she would lead worship at church
- …a little girl who never imagined being asked to preach a sermon or speak at a retreat
- …a little girl who never believed in herself.
God had different plans.
God makes all things possible.
God has made something beautiful out of my life.
I pray that when my kids face things in their life where they respond with “I can’t” or “I never will”, that God touches their life in such a way that it gives them the courage to say “I can” and “I will.” What an exciting adventure they will be on when they choose to go wherever God leads, no matter their fears, inadequacies, and roadblocks. I believe that God has great plans for my kids, and will not give them anything they cannot handle…as long as they depend on Christ for all that they need.
Courage is being willing to follow God no matter where He leads, and depending on Him each step of the way!
Lord, I pray that you instill big dreams in my children, no matter their fears and doubts. Guide them in overcoming the obstacles that they place in their own path, and fill them with courage, hope, and imagination to reach beyond their assumed capabilities. Precious Father, empower them to believe in themselves, and not only that, but to believe in You for your presence and strength. May they not live with a spirit of timidity, but live out in a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. You have great plans for them, Lord, and I pray they live their lives trusting in that promise. You are a good God, and I give you praise and thanks in advance for the work you’ll do in my children’s lives. And I also thank you for what you’ve done in mine.
(repost from October, 2009)

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