Our house...2008...before the demise of our snow globe
It snowed Sunday night. Maybe, just maybe, we will have a white Christmas. Unfortunately the weather man says probably not.
Kyle had a great idea for making money a few weeks ago. He prepared some fliers and went around the neighborhood announcing that he was for hire to shovel driveways if it snowed. And it worked. After the first snow, Kyle got an official job offer. He only has to show up after each snow, shovel the sidewalk and driveway of our neighbor, and he'd make five bucks. Yahoo.
But then it snowed again.
And yet again.
Each time bringing more and more grumbles.
So, yesterday morning, I woke up Kyle so he could head to the neighbors because it snowed through the night. After he got all bundled up and ready to get to work, he says "Mom, why do you always make me do things that I don't like?"
Wait a minute. Did I make the fliers? Did I agree to take the job?
My words in response were short and sweet, I'm sure. I want my children to, not only be people who work hard, but people who keep their word. God says "Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’ " (Matthew 5:37)
So, let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
When you tell God you'll do something, do it—now.
God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble. Vow it, then do it.
Far better not to vow in the first place than to vow and not pay up.
Don't let your mouth make a total sinner of you.
When called to account, you won't get by with
"Sorry, I didn't mean it."
Why risk provoking God to angry retaliation?
God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble. Vow it, then do it.
Far better not to vow in the first place than to vow and not pay up.
Don't let your mouth make a total sinner of you.
When called to account, you won't get by with
"Sorry, I didn't mean it."
Why risk provoking God to angry retaliation?
--Ecclesiastes 4-6 (The Message)

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