Often I ponder what God has made me for, or for what He has assigned for my life. I know His plans are good, but sometimes I just wonder if I understand that plan and am following it the way He designed. I try to pay attention to His clues and His leading, but sometimes I'm sure I miss the mark.
I'm thankful today for a few reasons:
1. I know God made me with a purpose in mind...a servant assignment, if you will. And I'm learning to trust that He is working out that plan in my life.
2. I think I saw a little glimpse of it this week. He's working in me and through me, and I love that!
3. I know that God has a special plan and purpose for my children as well. What their servant assignment is, I'm not sure. But I know who knows, and I'm trusting Him with their lives!
Thank you, Lord, for knowing the plans you have for me, and for Alyssa and Kyle. Thank you that you will carry onto completion the work you are doing in our lives. And thank you for the gifts and talents that you give each of us, and that we have opportunities to serve, teach, and bless others with those gifts. I pray, dear Jesus, that Alyssa and Kyle will be attentive to your voice, and aware of your leading, as you continue to mold and make them into what you want them to be. May they always follow you, and walk obediently in your path. Use them to draw other people to yourself. Allow them the opportunity minister to others, and reflect you living in their lives. Grow in them a trust and faith in you, so that no matter where you lead, they will follow! Thank you, Lord, for whatever the servant assignment is for Alyssa and Kyle, and for the reminder that what makes them worth doing is the God we are serving. I love you, dear Jesus, deeper than words can express.

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