Sixteen years ago we were in the midst of celebrating Alyssa's very first Christmas. Oh how time flies! What joy it was to celebrate this time of the year with a new little one in our home. I'm not sure she understood all the excitement, but her parents sure had fun.
One of the gifts we gave her on her first Christmas was a Glo-Worm. Remember those precious little creatures that had a light-up face when you squeezed it? I thought it was the perfect friend for my little girl.

A little light dispels great darkness.
Just like our Jesus.
He enters into our world, and replaces the darkness with His light. He gives hope where there was once despair, peace in the place of fear, and makes beauty from our ashes. I pray that when my kids have days that may seem dark, they know to whom they can turn and find light.
For HE is the most wonderful light for a dark world...even better than that cute little Glo-Worm!
Lord, thank you for being the light of the world. What a beautiful promise you give your children, that whoever follows you will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life! A beautiful gift to take hold of and behold. Lord, forever be the light in my children's life. When they fight the darkness of loneliness, fear, or hurt, I pray they remember to turn to you for help in dispelling what they cannot remove on their own. Lord, always be their light, their hope, and their promise for beautiful things in their life.

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