Friday, December 24, 2010

My Christmas Wish

"Do everything without complaining or arguing..."  Philippians 2:14

The kiddos are home from school
and spending a little too much time together.
Brothers and sisters love each other so much.

We've done lots of shopping this week.
Target, Walmart, and Bed, Bath and Beyond...
all filled with things they so "need", or just have to have.

The moments at home aren't marked with tons of fun...
in their minds.
"Oh Mom!"

A grumble here,
a complaint there.

I pray that as we head to our family celebrations,
we spend time together,
and as each gift is opened,
 that those grumbles and complaints
seem amazingly absent.

That's this mom's Christmas wish.

Lord, oh how I rejoice in you this season!  Mark these days with an awe and wonder as we celebrate your birth and remember your gift of love and salvation.  Above all else, may we fall down and worship you.  May all else fade away, dear Jesus...our wants, our preferences, our fears, and those things we feel we need or deserve.  I pray that Alyssa and Kyle revel in this season too, and find their hearts full of thanksgiving, contentment and gratitude.  Prick their tongues, Holy Spirit, when they are tempted to complain and grumble.  May these days be full of joy, Lord, for you are whom we are celebrating!

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