Some days I forget to give God thanks and praise for the ways I see Him, in my life. He's always active, I just get busy and distracted. So here and now, I want to stand and praise the Lord!
- After our excursion last week, through the mountains, we had to make another trip through the snow to get home from our Thanksgiving vacation. What is normally an 8 hour trip, turned into a 10 1/2 hours. We saw many slide-offs, and trucks chaining up, but we puttered through Oregon with our handy-dandy snow tires. God covered us with His protection. I praise you, Lord!
View from our van window
- Time with family over the Thanksgiving was a delight. The kids are growing up so fast! We love to laugh together, play games, and eat yummy food. God has blessed us abundantly with a beautiful family! I praise you, Lord!
- Two of my favorite friends took me to lunch for my birthday! I thank the Lord for the women he has put in my life that encourage me, pray for me (and with me), and walk with me on this journey. I praise you, Lord!
- Our church had a beautiful Advent service on Sunday night. It was a wonderful kick-off to the Christmas season, and I felt my heart being centered and prepared to head into this busy time, and to begin celebrating Christ's birth! God gave us the best gift of all. I praise you, Lord!
- Our annual open house is just around the corner, and so the preparations have begun. I thank the Lord, for a husband who is a big help, and works hard in so many ways, inside and outside our home. Our Christmas tree is up, the lights are on the house (despite a huge snow storm), and we're ready to bake, bake, bake. It's a blessing to have such a wonderful help-mate. God knew just what would enrich my life. I praise you, Lord!
- Kyle brought home some awesome school papers this week! He's thriving at school...whether he likes it or not. He's proactive on his homework and gives it his best. God is moving. I praise you, Lord!
- Alyssa has put in some hard work on some assignments at school, despite feeling like they were a "waste of time." Also, I caught her helping her brother on his homework once, and it was a delight to overhear her wisdom and insight, and see her kindness to the "pest" in her life. God gives us the strength to do the things we struggle with. I praise you, Lord!
I stand on this very morning to thank and praise you, Lord! You are so good! Thank you for your continual and active presence in my life, and in the life of my family. I delight in knowing you are hearing my prayers, and take delight in showing yourself in our lives in so many ways. I praise you, Lord, for all these wonderful things!

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