"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4
A couple of days ago Alyssa wanted me to take her to Kohl's so she could get a couple of new shirts. As I was sitting on the benches in the dressing room area, waiting for her to try on her hopeful finds, I was enjoying watching all the people milling around. Soon I saw two teenage girlfriends hanging out, perusing the racks, and having a good time. As one of them bumped into full rack of shorts, a pair fell to the floor. And what did they do? Nothing. They each looked at the item of clothing on the floor, kicked it to the side, and then walked off.
If they had not noticed the accidental drop, I don't think I would have given it a second thought. However, these girls were fully aware of what they had done. Why, oh why, out of consideration of someone else and their job, or because it was not their belonging, and they were responsible for the dropped item, would they not take a moment to pick the shorts up and put them back on the rack?
By golly, think of someone else first.
Use your manners.
Be kind and considerate.
Show respect.
Go above and beyond what you "have" to do.
As a mom, I am probably absent from my kids, more than I am present with them....especially as they get older and have more and more activities without me. In fact, they are both out of town this weekend having some fun. And while they are away from me, I pray that they remember the things that I've tried to teach them.
Think of someone else first.
Use your manners.
Be kind and considerate.
Show respect.
Go above and beyond what you "have" to do.
If you drop your shorts, pick 'em up! (In more ways than one.)
Lord, our selfish desires sometimes rage war within us, and all we can do is think of ourselves. Our minds can sometimes forget to look to the interest of others. We forget common courtesies, polite manners, and things that put others first. Christ sacrificed for us, and in turn we should reflect Him to the world. I pray that my kids always remember to say "please" and "thank you", to pick up the messes that they make, and to give above and beyond what is expected. I pray that they will always show respect to people who serve them, to other people's property, and to the feelings of others. May selfishness be replaced with kindness, sacrifice, and giving. Lord, shine in and through my children's lives, that the world around them may see you in beautiful ways.
God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thankful Thursday: God's Ears
"I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live." Psalm 116:1-2

I'm thankful today that God listens to me as I cry out my heart to Him on behalf of my children. Probably, even more than myself, He wants my children to come to know Him in a personal and passionate way. He wants them to fall in love with His Word. I'm even pretty sure that He wants them to love one another, live honest lives, and share Christ with others.
Thank you, Lord, for "hearing" my prayers, even as I type away here on my keyboard.
Thank you for hearing the prayers of everyone who reads this blog and is moved to pray for their own kids.
Thank you for understanding our worries and passing onto us Your peace.
Thank you, Lord, for being an active and present part of our lives.
Yeah God!!
Lord, I stand in awe of you! Oh how amazing you are! Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers, and listening to my cry for mercy on my children. You are always attentive, patient, and eager to be a part of our lives. Lord, because you turned your ear to me, I will call on you as long as I live.

I'm thankful today that God listens to me as I cry out my heart to Him on behalf of my children. Probably, even more than myself, He wants my children to come to know Him in a personal and passionate way. He wants them to fall in love with His Word. I'm even pretty sure that He wants them to love one another, live honest lives, and share Christ with others.
Thank you, Lord, for "hearing" my prayers, even as I type away here on my keyboard.
Thank you for hearing the prayers of everyone who reads this blog and is moved to pray for their own kids.
Thank you for understanding our worries and passing onto us Your peace.
Thank you, Lord, for being an active and present part of our lives.
Yeah God!!
Lord, I stand in awe of you! Oh how amazing you are! Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers, and listening to my cry for mercy on my children. You are always attentive, patient, and eager to be a part of our lives. Lord, because you turned your ear to me, I will call on you as long as I live.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A Few of Their Favorite Things
"The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold." Psalm 119:72
Cheeseburgers ketchup only,
and Iced Double Chocolate mochas.
Texting morning, noon, and night,
and Relient K, Skillet, and Hawk Nelson.
Volleyball, laughing friends, and Twix candy bars.
These are a few of HER favorite things.
Boston Red Sox baseball team,
and warm McChicken sandwiches.
Ebay, Craigslist, garage sales.
and Itunes songs and apps.
Playing ball, video games galore, and BSU Broncos.
These are a few of HIS favorite things.
This is my prayer today:
That God's Word becomes their number one favorite thing, above all else.
Lord, your Word is full of treasures for your children to find. It speaks of you and your love for us. As we dig deep, take time to ponder, and study your Word, we get to know you better, and we understand better what you have created us for. Your Word speaks to every condition. Lord, I pray that your Word becomes one of our children's "favorite things". I pray that it becomes something that they would never want to live without, and that they depend on for spiritual food, guidance, and hope for their future. Thank you for your precious Word, dear Jesus! It is our heritage forever, and the joy of my heart!
and Iced Double Chocolate mochas.
Texting morning, noon, and night,
and Relient K, Skillet, and Hawk Nelson.
Volleyball, laughing friends, and Twix candy bars.
These are a few of HER favorite things.
Boston Red Sox baseball team,
and warm McChicken sandwiches.
Ebay, Craigslist, garage sales.
and Itunes songs and apps.
Playing ball, video games galore, and BSU Broncos.
These are a few of HIS favorite things.
This is my prayer today:
That God's Word becomes their number one favorite thing, above all else.
Lord, your Word is full of treasures for your children to find. It speaks of you and your love for us. As we dig deep, take time to ponder, and study your Word, we get to know you better, and we understand better what you have created us for. Your Word speaks to every condition. Lord, I pray that your Word becomes one of our children's "favorite things". I pray that it becomes something that they would never want to live without, and that they depend on for spiritual food, guidance, and hope for their future. Thank you for your precious Word, dear Jesus! It is our heritage forever, and the joy of my heart!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
From Head to Toe
I was richly blessed by a note in the mail the other day, with a wonderful prayer inside. Linda, if you are reading this, thank you for your precious card. What a beautiful prayer!!
Dear Father God, I pray for my daughter (and son) from head to toe:
Her Head...That she will look to YOU as Lord of her life. (1 Corinthians 11:13)
Her Mind...That she will have the mind of Christ and think as the Holy Spirit would lead her and not the flesh. (I Corinthians 2:16)
Hear Eyes...That YOU will keep her eyes from temptation and that she will turn her eyes from sin. (Matthew 6:13, Mark 9:47)
Her Ears...That she will hear YOUR still small voice instructing her. (1 Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)
Her Mouth...That her words would be pleasing to YOU. (Proverbs 19:14)
Her Neck...That she will humble herself before YOU and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in YOUR Word so that she will be prosperous and successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)
Her Heart...That she will love and trust YOU with her whole heart. (Deuteronomy 6:5, Proverbs 3:5)
Her Arms...That YOU will be her strength. (Psalm 73:26)
Her Hands...That she will enjoy the work of her hands and see it as a gift from YOU. (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 5:19)
Her Feet...That YOU will order her steps and that she will walk in YOUR truth. (Proverbs 4:25, Psalm 26:3)
Dear Father God, I pray for my daughter (and son) from head to toe:
Her Head...That she will look to YOU as Lord of her life. (1 Corinthians 11:13)
Her Mind...That she will have the mind of Christ and think as the Holy Spirit would lead her and not the flesh. (I Corinthians 2:16)
Hear Eyes...That YOU will keep her eyes from temptation and that she will turn her eyes from sin. (Matthew 6:13, Mark 9:47)
Her Ears...That she will hear YOUR still small voice instructing her. (1 Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)
Her Mouth...That her words would be pleasing to YOU. (Proverbs 19:14)
Her Neck...That she will humble herself before YOU and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in YOUR Word so that she will be prosperous and successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)
Her Heart...That she will love and trust YOU with her whole heart. (Deuteronomy 6:5, Proverbs 3:5)
Her Arms...That YOU will be her strength. (Psalm 73:26)
Her Hands...That she will enjoy the work of her hands and see it as a gift from YOU. (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 5:19)
Her Feet...That YOU will order her steps and that she will walk in YOUR truth. (Proverbs 4:25, Psalm 26:3)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Stay the Course
Alyssa helping build her dresser...2010
Some days it's easy to want to give-up. Tasks get too hard and quitting crosses our mind. Relationships get too messy and we think about running the other way. We get tired, feel unappreciated, or get overwhelmed and giving up seems the to be the easy way out.
I'm praying today for our children's tenacity, stick-to-it-iveness, and diligence, at whatever it is they do in their lives...marriage, school-work, friendships, ministries, and jobs. Some days it will be hard, but we have a God who will be walking right beside them. With Him all things are possible!
Stay the course, dear ones.
Lord, you have wonderful things planned for our children's lives...wonderful spouses, tremendous ministries, and other things we can only imagine. As a mother, I look forward to watching your plan unfold in their lives. I believe you will be present with them day by day, orchestrating every detail. Lord, I pray that as they know they are following your plan for their lives, that they will never give up, they will choose to work hard, and they will look to you when things get hard. Instill in our children the desire to work hard, and do the best jobs that they can in every area of their lives. Give them the strength to do everything you've called them to do. Help them to fix their eyes on you, dear Jesus, all the days of their lives.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Best Hike
"You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Psalm 16:11
We've made some wonderful memories going on family hikes...hiding behind trees to scare one another, throwing pine cones or berries at the person in the lead, playing follow the leader, climbing fallen trees, and racing to the end of the trail. What joy we always have being together on the journey.
And what pleasure there is when we reach the end destination.
This is much like our spiritual journeys. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we embark down this new and wonderful path, and God's presence fills us with joy as we travel with Him
"And He walks with me,
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known."
(Hymn: In the Garden)
One day we will reach our final destination. Heaven is awaiting us, and what a day of rejoicing that will be!
I pray that our children begin this life long journey with Jesus, accept His wonderful gift of salvation, and travel with Him forever. I can promise them that it will be the best hike that they'll ever go on!
Journeying with you, Jesus, is the best part of my life, and I long for our children to journey with you as well. I pray that they accept your invitation to this hike of a lifetime, and follow you down the paths of life you give them. Your presence will go with them, filling them with joy, guiding them into treasures to behold, and providing them with an eternal place by your right hand. Your salvation is sweet, dear Jesus, and I pray that they take hold of your hand and allow you to lead their lives from this day forward. Thank you, Lord, for the precious gift of a life with you!
Family Hike...2005
We've made some wonderful memories going on family hikes...hiding behind trees to scare one another, throwing pine cones or berries at the person in the lead, playing follow the leader, climbing fallen trees, and racing to the end of the trail. What joy we always have being together on the journey.
And what pleasure there is when we reach the end destination.
At the top!
This is much like our spiritual journeys. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we embark down this new and wonderful path, and God's presence fills us with joy as we travel with Him
"And He walks with me,
And He talks with me
And He tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known."
(Hymn: In the Garden)
One day we will reach our final destination. Heaven is awaiting us, and what a day of rejoicing that will be!
I pray that our children begin this life long journey with Jesus, accept His wonderful gift of salvation, and travel with Him forever. I can promise them that it will be the best hike that they'll ever go on!
Journeying with you, Jesus, is the best part of my life, and I long for our children to journey with you as well. I pray that they accept your invitation to this hike of a lifetime, and follow you down the paths of life you give them. Your presence will go with them, filling them with joy, guiding them into treasures to behold, and providing them with an eternal place by your right hand. Your salvation is sweet, dear Jesus, and I pray that they take hold of your hand and allow you to lead their lives from this day forward. Thank you, Lord, for the precious gift of a life with you!
Friday, April 23, 2010
One Generation to the Next
"Make sure you tell your children, and your children tell their children, and their children their children. Don't let this message die out." Joel 1:3 (The Message)
Heavenly Father, I thank you for the generations of faithfulness that have come before me. What a wonderful heritage to hold onto. So many decisions to live lives for you. So many acts of service, hours of ministry, and lives dedicated to knowing you in a deeper way. Each generation proclaimed You to the next, helping others to believe in your power, hope and forgiveness. Even through hardships, trials, and struggles, there were family members who pressed on to follow you with everything that they were, trusting You to be their God. Oh Lord, I pray that our children choose to follow that example, and live their entire lives for you, through thick and thin, and no matter the cost. And out of their lives lived for you, may future generations come to know you in a personal, life-giving and passionate way. May their lips declare your praise over and over again, shouting out loud to the world their love and trust in you, never letting this message die out!
Generations of Faithfulness
Piersall/Hibbs Family Reunion 2002
Heavenly Father, I thank you for the generations of faithfulness that have come before me. What a wonderful heritage to hold onto. So many decisions to live lives for you. So many acts of service, hours of ministry, and lives dedicated to knowing you in a deeper way. Each generation proclaimed You to the next, helping others to believe in your power, hope and forgiveness. Even through hardships, trials, and struggles, there were family members who pressed on to follow you with everything that they were, trusting You to be their God. Oh Lord, I pray that our children choose to follow that example, and live their entire lives for you, through thick and thin, and no matter the cost. And out of their lives lived for you, may future generations come to know you in a personal, life-giving and passionate way. May their lips declare your praise over and over again, shouting out loud to the world their love and trust in you, never letting this message die out!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Surgery Blessings
"If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!"
Ecclesiastes 4:10
My week has been marked by having to have gall bladder surgery, and the recovery that followed. I saw God in many ways, and have much to be thankful for.
- One husband and seven friends with me in the waiting room on surgery day. It helped pass the nervous minutes before I had to head back and get ready for surgery. Three of those friends (and of course, Ken) came back to pray with me, and that was a rich blessing.
- Three friends helping get our kids here, there, and everywhere.
- Two friends who came and "babysat" me in moments I was going to be by myself.
- Six friends who brought our family meals. Oh boy were they delicious!
- Three friends who gave me gorgeous flowers.
- Three friends who showered me with extra little gifts.
- One friend who dropped in with an iced vanilla latte.
- Another friend gave me a stack of magazines to read.
- Many, many friends who sent cards, e-mails, called me on the phone, and prayed.
- My husband and children blessed me with flowers, ice cream and chocolate...and filled in and helped in so many ways over the last 5 days.
I hate this picture below, but besides the picture of my gall bladder, it's all I've got to remember my big event by. I embarrass my kids enough with all their old pictures, so I guess it's my turn.
If you were one of my blessings this week...Thank You!!!!
Lord, you have richly blessed me with a wonderful church family, and with precious friends. My heart is full of thanksgiving and praise. So many people were your hands and feet to my family, and they reflected you in beautiful ways! Thank you, Jesus, for loving me through so many.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
On the Road to Success
Kyle & Uncle Tim...2001
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
Learning how to ride a bike was a bit traumatic for both of our kids. But, hey, I hear you never forget how once you learn. Maybe I need to pull mine out and see if that fact holds any truth. Ha! I was reminded recently of how Kyle learned how to ride his bike.
Kyle loved his training wheels. No matter how high we raised them, he still hung on to the safety he felt knowing they were there. So, when we finally took them off (I think Uncle Tim was the one brave enough to do it), he was a bit unsure of going out on his own.
The funny thing? Kyle could ride his bike fine without the training wheels, he just didn't know it. For the first few rides Uncle Tim held onto his bike while Kyle rode along, and then slowly he began to let go, still running close behind. After several rides, Uncle Tim tried to convince Kyle that he really was riding his bike on his own, but belief did not come easy. We soon had to resort to bringing out the video camera, and then replaying it for Kyle, so that he could see for himself that he could actually ride his bike without training wheels, and without Uncle Tim's hand holding on. What fun it was to watch his face change as he comprehended what he was watching.
Kyle COULD ride his bike!
It's amazing what we can do when we are aware of the hand that is holding onto us!
Lord, your hand is the one that is holding onto us all the time! We do not have to fear because you are there to help us. What hope it gives me to know that your hand is on our children, and you are protecting them, guiding them, and loving them. May they come to know, in a real way, that your hand is the one they can trust above all else, and that even if they try to let go, you still hold on tight. You will never let go of them. Lord, I pray that your hand gives them confidence, security, and peace in all situations, as they lean on you. Your hand, dear Jesus, is precious and your presence real, and I give you thanks and praise.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Confident Conversations
Alyssa and Kyle--1998
"A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel." Proverbs 15:18
I realize that this post is somewhat similar to yesterdays, but hey, maybe it's what God is working on most in my children's lives. Or mine.
I could tell that that Kyle was a little disturbed when he came home from school yesterday, and immediately sat down at the kitchen table and pulled out his homework. With a big sigh he went to work. When I asked him what was up, he said that he didn't understand the directions on an assignment and was having to redo it. Discouragement seeping through his words.
In the same moment, I hear Alyssa exclaim that she kind of got "into it" with her Spanish teacher over some unaccepted extra credit she had worked on over the weekend. Alyssa felt unheard and discouraged in the end, but I was still impressed that she continued to press on and ask questions of her teacher.
Both kids were a little frustrated about their conversations.
We all have to face difficult conversations with people, and learning to not be afraid to stand up for ourselves, speak truth, ask questions, or dig deep in order to find understanding is highly important. So, even now, they are learning how important good communication is.
Don't be afraid, kids, to have the hard conversations. Sometimes the greatest things come out of those times.
Lord, you didn't make us to live in fear of one another. You want to bring life and truth through our conversations together. However, at the first sign of conflict or tense communications, we run and hide. Help my children to learn the art of good communication. I pray that they stand firm in their convictions, be willing to work through hard things, speak the truth in love, and even sometimes be able to hear the hard things. Patience is a quality that reflects you, Jesus, but anger can cause much dissension. Fill our conversations with your peace, truth, and love.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bathroom Battles
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1
Bathroom battles rage at our house. Having two teenagers, sharing one tiny bathroom, sometimes causes a bit of a raucous. From the other side of the house I can hear the grumbling and irritation with one another, as they process whose turn it is to get ready. So far, it's first come first serve, but that doesn't always keep the irritation from brewing. It can move from a little impatience to a full blown war in a matter of seconds.
One day I hope they figure out that talking nice to one another may get a more desired response. I'm sure they will have to continue trying to figure out the morning schedule until one of them leaves home, because whether they like it or not, we're not adding another bathroom. A gentle answer is much cheaper.
Heavenly Father, with your spirit indwelling within us, we can respond in ways that don't always come naturally to us. Impatience and discord sometimes comes too easily. I pray that you help our children to respond to one another with kindness and gentleness. May a kind word always be on their lips. Help them to learn to set aside their selfish desires and look to the other person's needs and wants, but when things don't go as expected, teach them to respond with words that bring peace and unity. May our lips reflect you, dear Jesus.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
We are His
"Shout for joy to the LORD.
Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations."
his faithfulness continues through all generations."
--Psalm 100
Both of the kids have been gone this weekend. I've missed them greatly. I'm ready to see both of their faces and squeeze them with hugs and kisses. Oh how they will love that.
Before they left to go their separate direction, I reminded them to make wise choices and good decisions in all that they would say and do. Half joking, and half serious, I wanted them to remember that they are going out in the world and representing their parents, even though we weren't together. Even more importantly I wanted them to know that they are God's children and represent Him as they are out and about with their friends.
The older they get the more they are out of my eye sight, and who knows what they are doing. Kind of scary for a mom. I'm going to pray and trust that they know they are God's children, and they will represent Him well wherever they go, and by whatever they say and do.
I can't wait to see you, children of mine! Come home, come home!
Lord, I know that it is you who made us, and we are yours. We represent you daily through our actions and our words. I pray, Lord, that I reflect you in beautiful ways. As our children hang with their friends, and go out into the world, I pray that they stand firm in their faith and choose to live the way you desire them to live, on a daily basis. May they not be tugged and pulled by the world to make unwise choices. Reflecting you every day, in everything they say and do, is my highest hope. Lord, be the voice speaking in their ear, "this is the way, walk in it."
Saturday, April 17, 2010
God's Pecious Benefits
Cousins 2007
“Salvation Saturday” always reminds me of the main purpose that God has placed on my heart for daily writing on this blog, and putting my prayers down on “paper”. My heart’s desire is that my children fall in love with Jesus, live their lives for Him, and rest in the promises of His Word. His benefits are so great, and they can be partakers of these things on a daily, or moment-by-moment basis. Forgiveness, healing, redemption, love, compassion, blessing, and renewal are available to them in abundant ways. I pray that they don’t just recognize these benefits from a distance, but stand hand-in-hand with the God who lavishes them with such precious things.
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that the salvation of my children is the biggest prayer of your heart as well. I believe that you are pursuing them on a daily basis, longing for them to love you, look to you, and worship you with their lives. You have the gift of forgiveness, and the promise of relationship, ready for their consumption. Lord, each of my kids have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have asked you to enter their hearts. I know you are present, living in them and speaking to them. I pray that their hearts continue to live in the reality of those decisions made long ago. Lord, thank you for the gift of your salvation. I praise you in the depths of my soul, for the many benefits I receive as your daughter. May my children take hold and live as partakers of your beautiful gifts! For this, I will continually fall on my knees in prayer to you!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tackling Kindness
Kyle #12 and friend Jake--2005
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:12
As Ricky crossed home plate, he raised his hands in the air and yelled, "I knew it! Believe in yourself!" Over and over again he exclaimed "Believe in yourself!"
There are all sorts of different people around this world...me different beyond most. Ha! We teach our kids to be accepting, compassionate, and kind to others who are different than they are, but you're never sure if they've learned the lesson until you have a chance to observe them in action. Last night was one of those times.
Kyle has a special needs kid on his new baseball team this season. We'll call him "Ricky" for the sake of this blog. What a happy young man he is, and I've caught glimpses of my son helping him join in the fun of playing ball. During batting practice last night, with great pleasure, Ricky started hitting the ball pretty proficiently. On his last hit, he was to run the bases. He swung the bat, hit the ball and it went flying out to the outfield. Kyle, seeing his success, ran from his position on short stop, and TACKLED the outfielder who ran up on Ricky's ball. There was no way that ball was getting thrown to the infield for an out. Ricky ran from first base, to second base, and so on. HOME RUN!
Though Ricky hit the ball, and he hit it in an awesome fashion, Kyle did a pretty neat thing too, in my opinion. He helped this young man experience a bit of success. For me, it is a beautiful picture of being clothed with kindness, compassion, and though he tackled another player (a close friend who knew the score), even that was a sign of gentleness for Ricky. A little reflection of our great big God. Oh how sweet!
Lord, how wonderful it is to see glimpses of you living in our children. Loving others more than themselves is sometimes a struggle, as it is even with me. My children are your chosen people, holy and dearly loved, and I ask that you help them to clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Every day may they choose to put others ahead of themselves. Kindness, compassion, and gentleness are beautiful examples of their Savior. Lord, fill our children with more of you!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thankful Thursday: God's Living Water
"They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water." --Isaiah 49:10
Did you know you can spend a lot of money at the grocery store on fluids to drink? My family seems to have this need for liquids galore. Right now in my refrigerator you can find milk, water, iced tea, crystal light tea, cranberry juice, orange juice, capri suns, diet coke, dr. pepper, and sprite. If you're like me you are probably laughing. You must think that this family has some deep thirst that needs to be filled.
1. a. A sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat related to a need or desire to drink.
2. An insistent desire; a craving b. The desire to drink.
I'm praying that my kids have an "insistent desire" and crave God like nothing else, because He truly is the only "Real Thing". He ultimately quenches every thirst that we have.
Lord, I am so thankful that you have compassion on your children and you guide us and lead us beside springs of water. You quench every thirst as our true Living Water. I pray, dear Jesus, that my children have an insatiable thirst for you, and you alone. May they not look to anyone or anything else to fill any emptiness or dryness that they may feel in their lives. As a deer pants for water, so may their soul pant for you.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Chicken and Roses
"Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:9
I attended our annual church Women's Retreat this last weekend. Oh what a blessed time with God. So, so thankful!
When I came home from retreat I was delighted with so many little touches of love.
Roses on the table.
Chicken in the crock-pot.
Laundry washed and folded.
Floors vacuumed.
And a happy, happy family.
I am one richly blessed woman, that's for sure! I'm so thankful for my husband and all the little ways he shows me his love. Romance is a nice touch, but even more than that, however, is his thoughtfulness and sacrifice in so many little ways. Daily he finds ways to show me how much he loves me.
I'm praying that our son is watching and taking some good lessons, because if he is, his future wife is going to be one lucky lady too.
Lord, you have given me a wonderful man who shows me love, in so many ways, and on a daily basis. Help our son to take lessons from his father or grandfathers on how to be thoughtful, self-less, giving, and even romantic. I believe you have a special woman just for Kyle, and you are growing her and preparing her for a man who loves you, lives for you, and will take care of her in beautiful ways. Continue to make Kyle the man you want him to be. Draw him closer to you, dear Jesus, and help him fix his eyes on you as the author and perfecter of his faith. Teach him to give sacrificially, love deeply, and forgive easily. May he become a wonderful man of God, who loves his family, and serves you for the rest of his life. I trust you, Jesus, with Kyle's life and believe you are moving in and through him in wonderful ways.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Growth and Life
Lord, you bring growth and life to all creation. Oh how lovely this spring season is! Everything is changing from dormancy and death, to life and beauty. The vibrancy of color and change draws me to stand in awe of you as Creator. I thank you, Lord, that you can make something beautiful out of the ugly things in life. When I am dry, you fill my cup with your Living Water. When I am brittle or hardened, you soften my heart with your Holy Spirit. When everything around me seems dead, you bring new life and healing. Oh how sweet you are, my Savior. Dear Jesus, please make beautiful things out of my children's lives. Bring growth in their relationship with you, and may their lives always be a display of your splendor. When there are moments in their lives where they feel lifeless and dead, or circumstances that are hard, help them to see your presence active in their lives that are bringing life and growth. You have plans for a hope and a future for my children, and I rest in that truth. Oh, how I love you, Lord!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Go for the "A"!
Today’s verse: “Servants, do what you're told by your earthly masters. And don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you'll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you're serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't cover up bad work.” Colossians 3:22-25 (The Message)
One of my funniest memories of Alyssa in the fourth grade was when she came home from school with her first week of spelling homework. She announces to me that she can do three assignments if she wants an “A” in spelling, or two assignments if she wants a “B”, and last but not least, if she does one assignment she could get a “C”. And she then proceeds to tell me, “Mom, I’m satisfied with a ‘C’, so I’m only going to do one of my assignments.” I about fell off my chair. I was sure to go have a talk with her teacher to confirm if this was exactly what she said, but I also had a chat with my daughter about doing her absolute best at all times.
I like how “The Message” says it in Colossians, “Don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best.” Though homework and schoolwork is of top priority in this department, I pray that my kids live by this philosophy in all that they do. When they clean their rooms, study for Bible Quizzing, mow the lawn, build friendships, play sports, and serve in the church. I hope and pray that they keep in mind WHO they are really serving, and work at it with all that they are. No second-bests. No procrastination. No mediocre-ness. “Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,” (Colossians 3:23 NIV)
No “C”s in life, when the “A” is within your power to reach, dear ones.
Precious Lord, thank you for my kids, and thank you for their ability to learn, think, and work hard. I pray that they always apply themselves to the fullest in all that they do. In school, I pray that they work hard to do their best work. Not to earn the perfect “A” grade, but so that they have a sense of doing the best that they can. In the church, or in serving others, I pray that each of my children will work from the heart, knowing they are doing it as an act of worship to You. Remove their laziness, timidity, and contentment to be just “okay”, but instill in them a passion to live in ways that shine You living in their lives. I pray that in all that my kids do, they glorify you, dear Jesus, using their gifts, talents and abilities, in the way you’ve designed them to be.
(Reprint from October 12, 2009 ) I thought this was a good reprise since our kids are heading back to school today after a 2-week spring break! I'm praying that they have a wonderful start to the last quarter of the school year!
One of my funniest memories of Alyssa in the fourth grade was when she came home from school with her first week of spelling homework. She announces to me that she can do three assignments if she wants an “A” in spelling, or two assignments if she wants a “B”, and last but not least, if she does one assignment she could get a “C”. And she then proceeds to tell me, “Mom, I’m satisfied with a ‘C’, so I’m only going to do one of my assignments.” I about fell off my chair. I was sure to go have a talk with her teacher to confirm if this was exactly what she said, but I also had a chat with my daughter about doing her absolute best at all times.
I like how “The Message” says it in Colossians, “Don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best.” Though homework and schoolwork is of top priority in this department, I pray that my kids live by this philosophy in all that they do. When they clean their rooms, study for Bible Quizzing, mow the lawn, build friendships, play sports, and serve in the church. I hope and pray that they keep in mind WHO they are really serving, and work at it with all that they are. No second-bests. No procrastination. No mediocre-ness. “Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,” (Colossians 3:23 NIV)
No “C”s in life, when the “A” is within your power to reach, dear ones.
Precious Lord, thank you for my kids, and thank you for their ability to learn, think, and work hard. I pray that they always apply themselves to the fullest in all that they do. In school, I pray that they work hard to do their best work. Not to earn the perfect “A” grade, but so that they have a sense of doing the best that they can. In the church, or in serving others, I pray that each of my children will work from the heart, knowing they are doing it as an act of worship to You. Remove their laziness, timidity, and contentment to be just “okay”, but instill in them a passion to live in ways that shine You living in their lives. I pray that in all that my kids do, they glorify you, dear Jesus, using their gifts, talents and abilities, in the way you’ve designed them to be.
(Reprint from October 12, 2009 ) I thought this was a good reprise since our kids are heading back to school today after a 2-week spring break! I'm praying that they have a wonderful start to the last quarter of the school year!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
God Our Master Planner
Today’s verse: “O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1
I often wonder what my kids will be like when they grow up. Will they be successful in their jobs? Will they be a part of changing society or people’s lives for the better? What will their lives hold? Only God knows for sure.
A few years ago we asked Kyle, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and his reply still gives me the chuckles when I think about it. He boldly replied, “I want to be a professional baseball player, or a worker at McDonalds.” Come to find out, McDonalds was in the running because he figured he would get free food. Well, let’s hope that of the two choices, he becomes a professional baseball player…that way, he can buy all the cheeseburgers he wants!
I know, without a shadow of doubt, that God has a marvelous plan for my children’s lives. He offers them a future and a hope. He’s created them for something spectacular, and I just can’t wait to see what unfolds as they begin to find their passions, think about higher learning, and make decisions in regards to their careers. I pray that they will always seek God for guidance, and desire to follow His plan for their lives.
Where His plan leads, nobody knows. But what I DO know? It’s sure gonna be good!
Dear Master Planner, and Precious Lord, I believe, with all that I am, that you have something spectacular planned for my children’s lives. You have all their days planned out for them, and have created them in wonderful ways, for wonderful things. I praise you for making them in such beautiful ways, with special gifts, and for specific purposes. They are a part of your plan, and I know that your plan is good. I pray, Lord, that my kids will always seek after you, and follow your plans for their lives. I pray that they find your calling on their lives, and follow it with all their hearts. May their lives glorify you in all that they say and do, and in how they live their lives, from now until the end of their days.
(Reprint from October 18, 2009)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Choose Christ
Today’s Verse: “If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian
any more than going to the garage makes you a car
--Laurence J. Peter
any more than going to the garage makes you a car
--Laurence J. Peter
Salvation is my greatest prayer for my children. Just because they have grown up in the church, or have parents who are pastors, it doesn’t guarantee that they will choose to believe in Him. One day they will have to choose for themselves whom they will serve.
And I pray that they choose Christ!
Lord, hear my heart! I pray that Alyssa and Kyle believe in you all the days of their lives. May the seeds that have been planted in their hearts and minds, by their parents, Sunday school teachers over the years, or their youth workers and friends, germinate into a lifelong love for you! I pray that the message of your Word becomes real to them, and they believe with all their heart that You the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May they believe you are the Creator, the Forgiver of sins, and the Light of the world! Lord, may they look to you as their Savior! This is my greatest desire, and I'm sure your greatest desire as well. I entrust them to your care today!
(Reprint from October 3, 2009)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Jesus & Hot Dogs
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
--Psalm 34:8 (NLT)
When Kyle was three or four years old, his favorite and only meal he would eat was hot dogs.
Hot dogs for breakfast.
Hot dogs for lunch.
And hot dogs for dinner.
Hot dogs, hot dogs, and more hot dogs.
Hot dogs warmed up.
Hot dogs cold.
Hot dogs covered in ketchup.
Hot dogs on a stick.
Mostly hot dogs with no bun.
Oh how he loved his hot dogs! And though he doesn't eat them with as much passion today, he still loves a dog once in a while!
My hope is that my son loves God with as much hunger as he did his hot dogs. I want both of our children to "taste and see" that He is good, and crave Him morning, noon and night. I want them to thirst after His Word, and desire to get to know Him deeper and deeper. I think the more we "taste" Him and get an idea of His true sweetness, the more we crave His presence in our lives. I pray that for my children, in a big, big way!
Jesus & hot dogs! Who would have thought the two could have anything in common?
Oh Lord, my Lord, you are so good. I have tasted your sweet words, and they bring me life, and life abundantly. I pray that my children hunger and thirst after you, dear Jesus, and crave you like no other. With each little taste, I pray that their desire for you grows in increasing ways to the point that they hunger for more and more of you in their life. Each minute they spend with you, is life giving and vital to their relationship with you. Cause those moments in your presence to ignite a fire in their souls, and a thirst in their heart that cannot be quenched by anything, or anyone, but you. You are God, and you are good! Oh that they may crave you, Father!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Christ is Risen!
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
Oh how He loves you and me!
"God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die." John 3:16 (CEV)
Oh how He loves you and me!
"Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn't here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day." Luke 24:5-7 (NLT)
Oh how He loves you and me!
Easter was a grand celebration this week, and a good reminder to me of Christ's deep, deep love! My heart has been moved to give Him thanks many times this week as I reflect on His sacrifice and gift to all of creation. It is what I am most thankful for this week, many times over!
Lord, thank you so much for sending your Son as an atonement for MY sins, and making a way that I can one day stand in your presence face to face, and live with you forever. You are my God, and I love you with all that I am. I thank you, Lord, that you also sent your Son for my children, and that you love them that much. Jesus Christ, thank you for dieing on the cross for me, and for my daughter and son. May they always live for you!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
No Sluggards Allowed
"The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." Proverbs 13:4
We are enjoying our visit with the in-laws this week. Our time together is short, but we are making good use of each moment.
Since the kids were little, one of the fascinations of coming to Grandma and Grandpa’s house is the chance they have to do a little “driving”. Grandma uses an electric wheelchair to get anywhere of great distance, and it is parked in the living room at all times. When Grandma isn’t using it, the kids like to push the buttons to get it to move forwards, backwards, and even turn in circles.
Today, Grandma asked the kids to put it back in it’s parking spot and I hear Kyle say, “Man, I’d love to have one of these.”
“Why?” I asked.
“That way when I am tired I can ride this around the house.”
I’m sure that Kyle wouldn’t like it too much if he had to use a wheelchair every day, to get everywhere he needed to get to. Sometimes, however, the opportunity to be lazy seems more appealing. With two able arms, and two able legs, it is still easy to become a sluggard of great proportion.
Working hard will bring great satisfaction and blessing to my children’s lives. I pray that they always choose to work hard, never give up, and make wise decisions on how to use their time. In turn, I’m sure that God will use them for great and mighty things.
Lord, thank you for the amazing way you make our bodies. My children’s hands, each with five flexible fingers, and many muscles and abilities, can do great things for you. They can give to the needy, hold hands with the hurting, hug the lonely, and work hard for your kingdom. Their feet can move them to go wherever you send them. And their legs can help them stand firm in your calling on their life. Lord, I pray that they use their bodies in beautiful ways to please you, and share you with the world. Give them the fervor to work hard. Remove any tendencies to be a sluggard. While at the same time, don’t allow them to become workaholics, not taking care of their bodies, and neglecting the important people in their lives. Lord, you make our bodies to do amazing things, and to do them for you. May we always glorify you with our actions and deeds, dear Jesus.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter Basket Blessing
"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand." 2 Chronicles 29:14
We had a beautiful Easter on Sunday. What joy it was to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior! Even better than that, was spending the morning worshiping with our church family. There is no better place to be, and no higher calling on the most important Sabbath of the year! And ham and deviled eggs with friends after wards?! Yahoo. It was one sweet day for sure!
Speaking of a sweet day, I was spoiled with delicious basket of goodies. The picture doesn't do this gift justice, because it obviously had been "hit" already! However this beautiful basket came with a cute story.
Between our two church services, we have a cookie and coffee fellowship time. It's a fun time to catch up with other members of our church family. I was milling around wishing friends a "Happy Easter", when I happened to notice two little girls checking something out on the mail table. This is where Secret Sisters leave gifts, and so there were lots of Easter goodies awaiting pick-up. These girls, dressed in their very best Easter outfits, were shaking, poking and prodding, obviously in intense conversation about something amazing. So I thought I would make my way over there and check out what they were up to. When I got there, I found them sifting through this beautiful basket of goodies, full of decorated sugar cookies, chocolates, rice crispy treats and such. My eyes then happened to take note that there was a card with our family's name on it
At first I did a little oohing and aahing, and their excitement built, to the point where I exclaimed that I think this beautiful basket was for me! How lucky am I?! One of the little girls looked at me with big eyes and asked if I would share with them, and I teasingly said, "No way, Jose!" She then looked at me with a deeply serious expression and said in her biggest adult-like voice "God says we should share!"
I laughed. Yes, I guess He does. Of course, later my daughter thought that I should have responded back with "Yes, but God also says we shouldn't steal!"
I laughed. Yes, I guess He does. Of course, later my daughter thought that I should have responded back with "Yes, but God also says we shouldn't steal!"
A cute little girl, wanted to remind me of a very big lesson. God desires that His children give generously to others. I know that I am richly blessed by the abundant generosity shown to my family, not just today but often, and out of my heart of thanksgiving I desire to go out and do likewise. At the same time, I pray that my children are watching the joy that comes to someone's life as a result of giving, sharing, and generosity.
Oh to be a blessing in someone's life!
Lord, you are the best gift giver ever, and you shower your children with wonderful blessings. What a delight it is to be the beneficiary of your great treasure. I pray that I reflect you, as I in turn give to others out of my blessing. Lord, instill into my children's hearts the urge to be cheerful givers as well, and are always generous to share with others out of their own abundance. May they never choose to steal what belongs to someone else, but live satisfied with what they are given. Giving reflects a heart that is content, happy, and centered on the right things. Lord, help our children to not focus on themselves, and what is owed to them, but fix their eyes on what may be of encouragement and help to others around them. May we always reflect you, dear Jesus, by having a generous and giving heart.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Over the River and Through the Woods
Playing Skipbo with Grandma--2008
We're going on a road trip! We still have a week left of Spring Break, so we are heading to Medford to visit Grandma and Grandpa.
Spending time with family is such a treat. When we get together we catch up on our lives, go through pictures and videos of our adventures since the last visit, play cards, eat, and just enjoy one others company. Because we live so far a part, time together is sometimes few and far between, but we relish the moments when we get be together.
Family is a treasure that I pray our children will always invest themselves in. Giving of their time, being willing to work through conflict and offer forgiveness, and making an effort to build healthy relationships. Family isn't always easy, but it's always worth it!
Lord, thank you for our family. Thank you for grandparents who love you, and can show their grandchildren what it means to go through life standing firm in their faith. Thank you for the memories we make when we spend time together. I pray that our children always find great value in the family you have given them. Even in the busyness of life, and becoming adults, may they invest time and energy into developing deep relationships. I pray that they choose forgiveness over bitterness, peace over anger, and time over absence. They will sometimes be the harder choice, but you promise your strength in all things. Lord, may we always reflect you as the God of our family, and may our future descendants live for you because of our faithfulness. Lord, you are precious to this family, forever and ever.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter Everyone!
Alyssa's 1st Easter
Easter 1996
Kyle's 1st Easter 1997
Easter 1999
Easter 2004
Easter 2005
Easter 2008
God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them! John 3:16-17 (CEV)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Glorious Hide and Seek
Kyle--Easter 1998
Today's verse: "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 4:29
Tis the season for Easter eggs, bunnies, jelly beans, chocolate, Easter dresses, and pretty bonnets. Once upon a time my kids loved the excitement and joy of playing hide and seek with the plastic stuffed eggs. Now they are teenagers, and though they still want all the goodies inside, they are no longer interested in looking high and low for their yummy treasure.
When the kids were little, however, hiding the eggs was a game we played for many days after Easter was over. They never tired of the big hunt. Unlike their mother who did. The eggs didn't even have to hold anything inside anymore, it was just the thrill of finding that which was "lost". Ready, set, go!
Alyssa--Easter 1998
I pray that their life is a continual hunt for their Savior. He's not hard to find, but sometimes there takes some effort on our part to get to know Him better. His Word promises that when they seek Him, they will find Him. And when they find Him, just like the plastic eggs, they will taste and see something truly sweet. Oh how glorious! The greatest game of "hide and seek" ever!
Kyle--Easter 1998
Lord, you are the greatest gift of our life, and you promise that when we seek you with all our hearts we will find you. I pray that our children choose you, over and over again, and seek you with all that they are. As they open the pages of your Word, may they find the beautiful you, and realize the depths of your great love. I pray that they choose to dig deep, and get to know you daily, from here to eternity. Speak to them sweet words of wisdom and love, as they listen for your voice in prayer. You are the most beautiful treasure, Jesus, and what an amazing thing that you want your children to have an intimate relationship with you. May our children seek you with all their heart, and find you in precious ways. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful promise!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Getting in Over Their Heads
Today's verse: "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
My only excuse was my post-pregnancy hormones. Alyssa's only excuse was that she was 2 1/2 years old. Kyle was only a couple of weeks old, and so he really had nothing to do with this story, except for the fact that he was the cutest little boy around.
It was a Sunday afternoon after church, and our family headed to the local Mexican restaurant for lunch with a few families from our church. Of course, I can't remember anyone who was there now. I was too traumatized, I guess. We were close to the end of our meal and little Alyssa was starting to get antsy. A restaurant is really not a fun place for a 2-year old. Everything just takes too long. As the meal drew to a close, and I was focused on a conversation with a friend, Alyssa decided to stick her head through the back of her chair. Unfortunately, she was unable to get her head back out.
All of a sudden Alyssa was in a panic, and crying because she was stuck. I spent a few seconds trying to release her, but to no avail. She was truly stuck. Next thing I know everyone at our table began to stir, and we all began to work together to try to figure out how to make the rescue. Everyone except me anyway...After my initial discovery that Alyssa was stuck and that I couldn't get her out, I just stood back and let the tears flow in worry. (That's why I blame the hormones!) My baby was trapped in her chair.
With a screwdriver found by the restaurant staff, and the chair taken a part, Alyssa finally became free from her head-lock. Oh what sweet relief for both mother and daughter.
Life will be full of temptations, but God's Word promises that He will always provide a way for us to stand up under them. We will never get in such a tight place, that we can't get out. I'm thankful for that promise, and the hope it gives this mother, as she realizes all the temptations her children may face in life...drinking, drugs, lying, stealing, cheating, lust, anger, or even fear.
Oh God, watch over my dear children. And if they ever get in over their heads, please be their rescuer!
Oh Lord, how you love your children. I'm sure that your heart aches when you see them trapped by the things of this world. You offer me great hope when in the fact that no temptation will seize our children except what is common to man. And You are faithful; you will not let them be tempted beyond what they can bear. But when they are tempted, you will also provide a way out so that they can stand up under it. Thank you, dear Jesus, for watching over our children, and being with them in those hard times. In those moments where they can get into a tight squeeze, show them the way out, dear Jesus. Be the voice whispering in their ears, "This is the way; walk in it." I love you, dear Jesus. You are our blessed Rescuer!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thankful Thursday: God at Work
Sister & Brother--Fall 2008
Today's verse: "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
I just want to give God thanks for a few of the times I recognized His presence in the last week.
- Kyle had a big report due last week, and he turned it in 2 days early! Way to go, son!
- Report cards came out, and student-led conferences held, before spring break began. Between our two kids they had 13 A's and 1 B.
- Kyle had 2 days of baseball camp in the bitter cold weather this week. Even when it was snowing, there never was a complaint about heading out to the field. The God-thing? As soon as he arrived at the field the snow stopped, and by the end of practice there was even a bit of sunshine.
- Alyssa's church volleyball team started up practices again this week, and I love seeing her excited about that opportunity. She loves volleyball!
- Yesterday, Alyssa's group of church friends all met at Red Robin for lunch together. Watching them all meet up and walk in the front door, made me stop and give God thanks for such a wonderful bunch of kids, and that they enjoy spending an afternoon together. Some of them have grown up together since they were babies, and it was a profound moment to think that they were now at the age where they could hang out, and pay for their own lunch without any adult supervision. Wowza.
- As we were heading towards Red Robin yesterday, I was giving Alyssa a mom-chat before I dropped her off. How to behave in the restaurant, what to pay for a tip, and then all the things I needed her to remember when she got in the car of a friend who drives (So not ready for that!). And my kids began to exclaim that I was one of those "worry" and "careful" moms. As I began to gasp in a hurt response, my son piped up to say, "But that's good, Mom. We like that." Made...my...day.
Lord, thank you for continuing to carry out to completion the work that you are doing in our lives. Thank you for blessing our home with two wonderful children. Some days I am amazed that they are seeming to be so grown up. Before I know it they will be heading out the door on their own, and I will be wondering if I did a good enough job teaching them about how to be successful adults. What peace comes when I realize that you will always be with them! Thank you for being an active participant in our lives. I pray that even today, my kids will see you for themselves, and that we will all stop and give you thanks! God, you are our precious God, and we love you!
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