Friday, October 9, 2009

Peace that Passes All Understanding

Today’s verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

As we were heading to Alyssa’s last volleyball game the other night, Grammy asked Alyssa if she was nervous about the game. Alyssa responded with a confident “nope”. Then we asked her if she has ever been nervous before a game, and she replied, “Only before the first game.”

So we further questioned Alyssa, “Do you get nervous before having to give a speech at school?” In which Alyssa replied “Nope, but I did the first time.” Even late last night, way passed her bedtime, Alyssa was working on writing an outline for her speech today at school. Nervousness was not even a part of the equation.

I’m thankful that my daughter is not prone to anxiousness or worry at this stage in her life. And I pray that as she gets older and experiences the life of giving bigger speeches, having job interviews, paying the bills, and even having children, that she learns that whenever worry is present, or she finds herself anxious, that it is something she can hand over to God in prayer.

God encourages His people not to be anxious, but knows that we probably will face things in our life that cause us to fret, and reminds us that prayer brings peace. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need that reminder!

By the way…Alyssa’s team won their last game the other night! She was right. There was nothing to worry about! Way to go, girl!

Final game was to 15, but they had to win by about a nail biter! ;)

Heavenly Father, and Prince of Peace, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to trust you with all their hearts, and not lean on their own understanding, but in all their ways acknowledge You, and you will make their paths straight. I pray that when they are anxious about anything that they will learn that there is someone that they can entrust their cares to, and someone who hears their prayers. Thank you, for offering a peace that passes all understanding in all things when they are willing to lay our fears, worries, or concerns at your feet. Lord, keep my kids from worrying about things that You have under control, and let your peace reign in their lives.

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