It’s amazing how housework can give you some great spiritual insights. Too bad it wasn’t fun at the same time.
This morning as I stood in the kitchen, and the beautiful sunshine was beaming through my windows, I noticed how long it’s been since I have dusted my furniture and cleaned my windows. The sunlight so nicely emphasized the thick layer of grime everywhere. My house looks so much cleaner in the dark, and it’s a whole lot easier to ignore.
The light makes clear the areas in which need cleaning.
My prayer today, as my kids are getting older and older, is that God’s light shines in their lives in such a way that it gives them a clear picture of the things that don’t belong and need to be cleaned-up. May God’s spirit shine in the nooks and crannies of their heart and help them make good choices in their friends, habits, language, entertainment, and in all of life, so that they reflect Him instead of the grime. I want them to be “spotless” and clean.
We can take the analogy further, and know with faith, that God is the ultimate “Windex” and “Pledge”, and will wipe away the smudges left behind from our wrong choices. He makes us clean. God is good! Amen.
Lord, please shine your Light in my dear children’s lives, enlightening them to the areas in their lives that don’t reflect you. Gently prod them in the right direction when they are leaning towards making wrong choices. I pray that the window of their hearts remain clear and clean, spotless from any grime left behind from sin. Lord, let your Spirit be their guide. Clean their hearts, and renew a right spirit in them!
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