"Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness." --Luke 11:24
When my kids were little I could control most of the things that they would see and experience on a day to day basis. I'd monitor their television intake and could turn the channel at any moment, was picky about the movies they'd bring home, and be choosy about the books that they'd check out from the library. Protecting their eyes from seeing the unlovely things of this world was a big job sometimes.
But today, now that Alyssa and Kyle are 19 and 16 years old, I find the job a bit out of my hands. The many different electronic devices in each child's possession add to the challenge as well. Yet, even at this age (and my age, truth be told), guarding what their eyes see is of vital importance. When our eyes are healthy, our spirit is more in tune with His Spirit, and like Luke 11:24 states, our body is "full of light".
I will still try to influence what is watched on television in our home, and the electronic activity to the best of my ability, but at this point the best thing I can do is fall on my knees and ask God to protect my babies, and move their spirit to cringe at things they shouldn't see (or hear, or read) for eye protection ultimately protects the heart.
Lord, please protect Alyssa and Kyle's eyes for they are the lamp of their body. When their eyes are healthy, their whole body also is full of light. And when they are unhealthy, their body is full of darkness. Help Alyssa and Kyle's hearts to be sensitive to what is not right, good, and holy, and desire the things that you find pleasing. Move them to hunger for holiness, dear Savior, and give the the drive to seek after you. You can bring them such great pleasure and delight, and they will find a great joy in you that they will not find in the world. Lord, please be Alyssa and Kyle's eye protection I pray.

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