Kyle ready for work or play? (1998)
"I'm bored!" It's my least favorite statement from the kids, yet probably the greatest wish for myself in the busyness of life. Oh to be "bored" for just a couple of hours.
I've already heard the words this summer. When Alyssa and Kyle were younger, the rule was, if you said you were bored you got a job to do. What a quick cure for this habitual statement when there was nothing "fun" going on. We even had a jar of chores; cleaning baseboards, scrubbing toilets, dusting cobwebs, folding laundry, etc.
I'm pretty tempted to relive the days of old.
My prayer is that Alyssa and Kyle find themselves useful to others around them, challenged in what they find to do with their time this summer, and joyful from a sense of productivity and accomplishment.
Lord, be pleased with the work of Alyssa and Kyle's hands!
I pray, dear Jesus, that you bless the skills of my children and put a desire in their hearts to use those skills to be productive and happy people. May they be disciplined to work hard, keep busy, and avoid being sluggards this summer. Give me wisdom to know how to lead and parent them through these dog days of summer, and push them out of boredom and into a space of usefulness and contentedness. Please use Alyssa and Kyle's hands to bless others!

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