Lyssa's 5th Grade Graduation (2005)
I pray that my kids find great success in their lives. Not necessarily success as defined by the world, but success from living close to the Lord and His designs for their lives.
Success won't be measured by their grade point average.
Or by the awards they earn.
Or if they are in the top of their class.
Success won't depend on the amount of money they make.
Or by the type of job they have.
By how big their house is.
Or by the number of things they own.
I will count my children successful if...
they love the Lord.
they use the talents and gifts God has given them.
they follow God's laws and commands.
they fall in love with His Word.
they love others well.
they find a spouse and together they found their marriage on God.
they grow their children up to know and love the Lord.
they share Jesus with others who don't know Him.
they work hard in all that they do.
they go wherever God calls them to go.
Success by the worlds standards are all fine and good, but may just leave my children empty and unfulfilled if they don't allow God to be a part of their lives. I pray that they always love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind and soul, and find the contentment that comes with that kind of success. Oh, what joy it is to watch their lives unfold!
O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today. Please Lord, give my children success today. Take the work of their hands, the thoughts of their minds, and the desires of their hearts and use them for your glory. Remind Alyssa and Kyle of the gifts and talents you have given them and show them how to use them to shine your light to the world around them. I pray that you are always Lord of their lives and that they find great joy and success from living according to your plan. May they love you with all their heart, mind and soul. I eagerly watch and wait for Alyssa and Kyle's lives to unfold, day by day, and year by year, hoping that they always live their lives for you. Thank you for the great plans you have for them...plans for a hope and a future. Oh, how I love you, dear Jesus!

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