Ken & Kyle playing Jenga and waiting for the fall.(2005)
"But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall."
2 Chronicles 26:16
Lord, I know that as your children do what is right in your eyes, and seek you each day, you will give them success. Their success may not be measured in the same way as the world measures success, but will bring them a happiness and deep-down joy that comes from you. I pray that in this process of finding success, big or small, you keep our children from a pride that would lead to downfall. Don't let pride blind Alyssa and Kyle. Help them live with a godly humility, and give all the credit of their success to you. May Alyssa and Kyle's eyes always be fixed on you, dear Jesus, and their heart stayed on you, for you are the giver of all success.

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