My sweet family. (1998)
To know the God who can do anything is the one thing I long most for my children.
The One who can move mountains,
Heal the lame,
Free the captives,
Break down walls,
Forgive the sinners.
And to sense His Spirit gently working within them, is my prayer. Not the pushy, judgmental and angry God some think they know.
To know the depth of His love,
Feel His gentleness,
Believe in the hope He alone offers.
To know the God who can do anything
And to sense His Spirit gently working within.
Lord, oh the joy to know "the God who can do anything". You offer hope to the lost, healing to the sick, forgiveness to the sinner, and love to the unlovely. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle know and believe in you as their own personal Savior and God. And may they sense your Spirit gently working within them. Your presence in their life is a gift to behold and hang onto. I pray that they know you in personal, life-giving, hope-filling way, and love you with all their heart, mind and soul. You are God, King of King and Lord of Lords, and you are our Savior and Friend! May Alyssa and Kyle know that full well.

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