I started today's blog post on Monday...
And then forgot all about it, somehow thinking I was ahead of the game and done. I'm heading up to Women's Retreat for the weekend and wanted to be ready and on the ball. Oops! Obviously I am not.
There are a few things I'm thankful for this week however, so I'll just rattle them off in my panic state. Luckily I had already added some pictures.
- As a Pastor's wife I have the great joy of meeting women for coffee or lunch, and this month has been extra full of them. Not sure why. On Sunday a friend of mine handed me a card and when I got a chance I took a peek and in it was a check for my "coffee ministry". God was saying to me "I see what you're doing and I want to bless you!". I'm thankful for this dear lady and God's provision and encouragement through her.
- Monday is our usual "date date" and this time my hubby and I headed up to the mountains. I already wrote about this on Tuesday, but I was reminded of, and am thankful for the beauty of God's creation. Everywhere I looked His glory was on display!
- Last minute Women's Retreat preparations have been filling my week and there have been moments where I couldn't see how it was all going to get done. In the midst, God sent encouragement and a smile, with a card from a friend, a text messaged prayer, and an unexpected phone call! Each cheering me on towards the finish line. I'm thankful for the dear people He has put in my life.
Lord, I sing for joy over the many displays of your splendor this week. In you, I find hope, strength and pleasure each day. Help me teach Alyssa and Kyle to have eyes that see your handiwork and therefore have reason to praise you. May they have their own "God sightings" this week and give you praise and thanks for them. You are God over all, yet you love your children intimately and personally. Thank you, Lord, for knowing my needs, encouraging my desires, and being near me each step of the way! Display your glory in me, I pray.

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