Lord, listen to my voice;
let Your ears be attentive
to my cry for help.
Psalm 130:1 (HCSB)
"Olaf didn't have such a great spring break."--Lyssa
Lyssa arrived back to her college dorm, after having spring break at home, to find one of her "friends" gone. I'm not sure how she handled it but it reminded me of some our long-lost pets of the past. Hamsters, turtle, rabbit, frogs, and fish, many of which are buried somewhere in the back yard. Many time there were tears, heartache, and grieving.
Lyss and Zoe, Easter 2013
Seeing as our family dog, Zoe, is 15 years old, I have a feeling that sometime in the near future we'll have to say good-bye to her as well. I'm pretty sure that won't be an easy loss for any of us.
Grieving is always hard. Sometimes the grief is over broken relationships, unattained goals, hurtful words, unfulfilled expectations, and sometimes death. Each causing tears or heartache, fear and loneliness. My prayer is that when Alyssa and Kyle face these "bumps in the road", they will know that they can cry out to Jesus and that He will hear their pain, sense their questions, and speak to their condition.
"Out of the depths I call to You, Yahweh!"...the best way to survive the hard things of life!
Lord, teach my children to pray, so that when they face trials or experience grief, they will automatically call to you and sense your attention and presence. I pray that out of the depths Alyssa and Kyle will seek your face, sense your comfort, and experience your peace that passes all understanding. My tendency is to pray for protection from the hard things of life, but I know that trials, grief, and conflicts are inevitable. So, in those hard times, may Alyssa and Kyle, call on you, Precious Savior, and sense you arming them with strength and filling them with love and hope for better days. You are the God who sees, hears, and knows, and I give you praise!

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